Push-Ups Knee variation

9 months ago

This is NOT a girl push-up. This is a variation of a push-up that is availble to someone that is building strength or an option when you feel as though you don't have a full tank foir a full push-up.
What if this hurts your wrists, shoulders, elbows, neck or low back? Most likely you're not activating the proper muscles since this exercise more than the arms. This is a full body exercise even from the knees. The upper back along with the arms is the muscle group that is contracting to lower you down; chest area are stabilizers on the lowering phase. You still activate the abdominals to a degree but not more than the upper back. The upper back or the peripheral core is supposed to be the stable platform upon which the arms move. So amke it the stable platform. You still activate or tense the legs.glutes as they are also apart of this move.
Still having trouble? Reach out I would love to help you! Push-ups are a great exercise and fundamental. Especially as you get older. Want to push-up yourself off the floor? I do! Want to play on the floor with your grandkids and get back off without help? I don' t have kids or grandkids but i have to be on the ground with my dogs, gardening, yoga...If you don't like them it's becasue your strong at them How do you get strong at them? Do them!!
Reach out and I can help with any nagging aches and pains. PLus, I have intrucntional videos in my channel.

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