NIH Scientists Made $710 Million in Royalties From Drug Makers

8 months ago

06/03/2024 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: The fact that NIH scientists received $710 million in patent royalties from pharmaceutical companies is highly unreasonable. These scientists and doctors are already being paid with taxpayer money to get patents , and it is absolutely inappropriate for them to then receive substantial patent royalties from pharmaceutical companies, especially while these institutions are also providing medical recommendations and making up guidelines.
06/03/2024 众议员玛乔丽·泰勒·格林:美国国立卫生研究院的科学家从制药公司获得了7.1亿美元的专利费,这是非常不合理的。因为这些科学家和医生已经拿着由美国纳税人支付的薪水去申请专利,他们绝对不应该再从制药厂获得高额的专利费,尤其是这些机构还在推荐医疗建议和建立指南。

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