Something About The 2024 Election Doesn’t Seem Right

8 months ago

Something About The 2024 Election Doesn’t Seem Right

If they steal the election again then it justifies the 2020 outcome, we have been told many times even by Pascal Najadi that the election will not happen, also an election cannot happen because the capitol has already been declared a foreign state and all Senators and Representitives of the House have nameplates saying Mr. Mrs, Ms and so the 2024 election is a non-starter. BUT anything can happen in make-believe movies. If an election does take place it will be a make-believe election and the awake patriots should know that. But in my opinion I think the white hats already have their targets for when the events kick off. I think now is exposing the deep-state's last move and they have two choices...cancel the election due to WW3 or assasinate. At this point in time neither of these things will happen, except for theatre. Many liberals are now seeing the injustice with Trump, and they will probably see the injustice when Hunter Biden walks free, and then more liberals will wake up, then they will see WW3 breaking out. Those who remain asleep will not be the ones who will riot as they will be the obedient sheep who do as they are told and I don't think the white hats will have a problem with them.

Here's a bonus video for the left/socialists...listen to the voice of this North Korean lady

Superb comments coming from this young North Korean lady, well worth watching.

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