9 Reasons Why You SHOULD NOT Get a German Shepherd | Dog Training Program

9 months ago

#policedog #germanshepherd #gsd
9 Reasons Why You SHOULD NOT Get a German Shepherd | Dog Training Program

✅ Train Your Dog: https://bit.ly/DogTrainingsProgram
✅ Train Your Dog: https://bit.ly/DogTrainingsProgram

There’s no good or bad dog - it all depends on if they fit into your household or not. For some reason, German Shepherds are the perfect dog breed. For others, they're not the best choice. So, for today's video, we'll talk about the 9 reasons why you should not get a German Shepherd.

German Shepherds are highly energetic, intelligent, and affectionate dogs who thrive in home where there's a lot of space for them to run. For this reason, they make a poor choice for people who are always away from home, people who live in very limited space, and for people who have a laid back lifestyle. Later on, we'll get to know more about these dogs to help you decide if they fit your home.

Hello there and welcome to Smart Dog Lover! If you're new to our channel, please subscribe for your daily dose of dog-related content. As mentioned earlier, for today's video, we'll talk about the reasons why you should not get a German Shepherd. So, without further ado, let’s begin!

#germanshepherd #gsd #policedog

✅ Train Your Dog: https://bit.ly/DogTrainingsProgram
✅ Train Your Dog: https://bit.ly/DogTrainingsProgram

Hi fellow dog lover!🐶 My dog Billie had so many behavior problems… she was jumping, peeing inappropriately, overly aggressive, pulling on the leash… she was just crazy…🤪 Then I found this one solution that stopped all the problems!🙌 The sad fact was…The training I first tried with my dog was a complete fai...lure.😔 I went through the average cookie-cutter training programs. These programs used outdated and ‘mean’ dominance techniques. It turns out those programs had no qualifications and were developed by complete phonies.😱 So this is what I did to stop my dog’s behavior problems... In a few simple words… I discovered my dog’s hidden intelligence!🧠

Let me explain… In my years as a dog owner…this is the one big lesson I have learned. More intelligent dogs are better behaved.👍 A more intelligent dog takes commands easier…and understands what you need from them. What I found out was… No matter how clever I thought my dog was. I could still unlock my dog’s hidden intelligence quickly and easily!😄 Don’t waste a second longer putting up with your dog's behavior problem! I’ll explain everything you need to know in the link!😁

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