Keir Starmer is running away from TV debates already!

8 months ago

Right, so the first TV debate due to host the leaders of seven of the UK’s political parties will now apparently be reduced to six, because Keir Starmer is refusing to attend it. Tonight there is a head to head with Starmer vs Sunak and clearly Starmer fancies his chances one on one with the current PM, but the smaller parties, that under First Past The Post don’t stand a chance of achieving power, he’s running scared of. Is it arrogance? That they don’t deserve to bask in his presence? Is it fear? Or has he just calculated that he can get away with it, because he’s so cock sure he’s walking into Number 10 next month?
Right, so that was Keir Starmer, telling us all how astonished he is that a Prime Minister wouldn’t do a TV debate, that it doesn’t show very much confidence, that it shows a lack of ideas and they’d rather hide away then answer to the General public. There is always a video, there is always a tweet, there is always a memo somewhere that exposes the two faced hypocrite and liar for what he is and this is that, because he’s now dodging scrutiny himself in an upcoming television debate.
Yet he has no issue with debating Rishi Sunak one and one tonight, June 4th and the only reasonable conclusion I can come to for that, is that clearly he has nothing to fear in his mind from Sunak, yet is vulnerable to the leaders of smaller parties.
It’s not hard to see why. Sunak is finished. Even with a solid performance against Keir Starmer – and I use that in the loosest possible sense since both leaders are awful orators and debaters – he won’t gain anything. His policies are disgusting, his indulgence in petty and cruel culture wars, scapegoating vulnerable and minority people sickens people with an ounce of empathy in their bodies, but crucially, from a policy perspective, there’s barely any difference between what both men are putting to the country by way of an offer for their votes. They offer nothing, people are increasingly turned off both of them, so Starmer can get away with a poor performance in theory, whereas Sunak would need to pull off something astonishing to gain from this.
We know Sunak is desperate, we also know he thinks he can get one up on Starmer, he did want to debate Starmer every week, but certainly there’s no incentive for him to take little Rishi’s bait there and the hypocrisy of that is exposed for both parties from that footage of Starmer I played from a moment ago, with Starmer running away from later debates, but of course the Tories were doing that previously and now Sunak wants as many as possible? Desperate.
Their head to head will be a slanging match, I’m calling it now. Starmer will attack Sunak for his wealth, over hedge fund donors, over the failure of the last 14 years, but policy attacks will be thin on the ground when they are basically on the same page as each other. Starmer will pick on Sunak for being an out of touch rich boy, whilst highlighting every boring and overused soundbite about himself going, expect the son of a toolmaker and a nurse line to come out, expect him to draw attention to his time at the Crown Prosecution Service and Director of Public Prosecutions, but what he won’t draw attention to will be what people should be looking out for, which is his pi** poor leadership of the Labour Party for the last 4 years, how he’s driven away or purged the left, how he's rigging candidacies up and down the country, how he has presided over a hierarchy of racism whilst claiming to be rooting out antisemitism, forgetting seemingly that there are any other forms of racism in existence in comparison. If Sunak hadn’t indulged in racial attacks himself, coming from an ethnic minority, he might have landed some blows on that but he won’t be able to now. Instead he’ll go after Starmer by bringing up Jeremy Corbyn I expect, he still lives rent free in his head, but with Corbyn now expelled, it’s an easy shrug off for Starmer. He could point to the factionalism and control freakery, he could even if he’s really desperate, do what Boris Johnson did and play the Savile card, but ultimately there’s no effective attack for Sunak that will make any difference. Starmer has even started using private jets to get around the country, despite criticising Sunak for doing just that. Starmer will still be odds on favourite to win, even if he dies on his backside on stage tonight. But this is exactly why I think he’s running away from the other debates.
Starmer is offering absolutely nothing of note to the country. An energy company, that is really just a private investment scheme. No spending on anything we actually need, no money for example, to pull 250,000 kids out of poverty by ending the two child benefit cap, but he has got money for nuclear weapons and putting defence first above anything else, raising defence spending to 2.5% of GDP, slapping a pensions style triple lock on nukes and of course decided to visit BAE Systems as part of pushing this policy, who are of course complicit in arming Israel in their genocide of Gaza, so of course Starmer went there.
There are so many issues Starmer falls short on, his priorities are appalling when so many live hand to mouth in the sixth richest economy on the planet, but this is precisely why he has nothing to fear from Sunak and everything to fear from every other party. They will shred him on everything, for being too gutless to put forward actual change despite using the word change as his election slogan and their offers to the country will be far better. It’s now in doubt apparently as to whether Sunak will do that party leaders show as well, given he’d be leaving himself open as a target for all the rest, though I’d suggest the empty chair Starmer will apparently have will remain just as big a target and the host cannot go down the road of saying we can’t attack Labour because the leader isn’t here, because that will have been his conscious choice, betting on avoiding the debate entirely being less damaging than attending and as far as that goes, people should all be questioning why that is. Usually it is the incumbent party of government who’s leader runs a mile to avoid defending their record, Starmer hasn’t even made it into power yet and he’s lied so much he’s already fleeing his own record!
If we end up with a show of just the Lib Dems, Greens, the SNP, Plaid Cymru and Reform, then it should still go ahead and they should be free to attack the lousy offers being put forward by the Tories and Labour and compare them to what they are putting forward instead, though of course I’d omit Reform from any semblance of positivity, especially now it is back to being just a vehicle for eternal attention seeker and 7 times a failure wannabe MP Nigel Farage, who is already getting BBC coverage almost daily.
No the sort of real problems Starmer would have on such a debate show with smaller parties will be from the likes of the Greens, which is probably why the BBC are going above and beyond to avoid having them on. Sure, this 7 way debate is happening, but it supposed to be followed up with debates with party leaders one on one, yet the Greens have been dropped from this, as have Plaid, as have Reform, which the BBC will no doubt point out, even as Nigel Farage is chuntering away on one of the BBC TV or radio channels for the seventh time in as many days. Ask yourself why the BBC are hell bent on not platforming anyone not sticking to mainstream political views and ask yourself if you’re not getting ripped off paying the licence fee if that’s what they are serving up. The Greens have an actual, elected MP, not just a defector and over 100 times the number of councillors around the country, but sure, wheel out Farage yet again.
Starmer doesn’t want parties like the Greens to point out just how rubbish his policies are, because they offer something so much better, which more and more people are responding too as they chase their second MP, which looks likeliest to come from Bristol right now and of course they’ve been gaining local councillors like no tomorrow as more and more people see them as a viable alternative. That is what the BBC are shutting down, that is what Starmer doesn’t have an answer to. One such example would their five point plan to deal with the Cost of Living Crisis and put more money in your pocket:
First off, a wealth tax – change the tax system, tax wealth, this costs nothing to implement and would raise another £50bn a year. Why won’t the bigger parties do it, why won’t Starmer? Because it means taxing donors more, he’s putting party before country, despite insistently saying the opposite.
This would pay for the second of their five points - a green investment program that wouldn’t just be a PFI for energy cartels, but actual nationalised renewable energy as one part.
Third, money raised would be used to invest in the sorely underfunded health and social care system, fourth, allow local councils to access cash to make homes more energy efficient and build more of them and fifth, they’d use that money to cut VAT on hospitality and cultural sectors
Wealth redistribution should be a vote winner for everyone, the wealthiest in this country have become ever richer as we’ve become poorer and still neith the Tories or Labour will tax that wealth and use that money to free themselves up to spend on the things we all need, because both parties are effectively bought and paid for. A vote for the Tories or Labour is a vote for their donors and when it is just one set of donor backed politicians versus another, its easy to see why Starmer can find the wherewithal to debate those like him, but not those with something actually worth saying, that needs hearing, yet instead is getting silenced, by the actions of establishment politicians and client mainstream media. Starmer is pathetic and we didn’t need a TV debate to know that already.
However the debates end up going, the picture at local level across the country is a varied one for Labour. Many independents are springing up to challenge his candidates, and local people are disgusted at having people imposed on them that they did not select if they were members or are not local at all, know nothing of the area and that they are being treated with contempt by having foisted upon them a candidate who will do nothing for them, just needs a way into parliament. Such is the case of pro Israel fanatic Luke Akehurst being pushed on the people of North Durham and well, they aren’t having any of it as this video recommendation will explain all about, his campaign launch as bad as any I’ve ever seen and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid, cheers folks.

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