Debi Evans & Crypto Rich on The Johnny Vedmore Show - 04 June 2024

1 month ago

On today's show, Debi Evans addresses some of the many problems plaguing the NHS and makes a stark prediction that the next major public health emergency will be the result of antibiotic resistance. Later, Crypto Rich comments on the seemingly growing trend in the West of using 'lawfare' against political figures and lays out some of the pros and cons of using cryptocurrency as money.

GUEST 1 OVERVIEW: Debi Evans (SRN, PG Cert Autism) is UK Column's nursing correspondent. She is a past advisor to the UK Department of Health.

GUEST 2 OVERVIEW: Crypto Rich is an investor, crypto vlogger, political commentator, anti-war activist, home educator, and social worker. You can find him on X at @cryptorichyt and watch his videos here:

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