Trouble In Paradise - Thugs, Vandals,Thieves, Glysophate, Bulldozers, Weeds, Killer Dogs+ Sheep..

19 days ago

It breaks my heart to say
That what was ONCE 💔A Sanctuary for Wildlife and Biodiversity, Conservationists, Builders, Artists Musicians , Children and Healers, this place is NOTHING like it used to be!

As the last original community member, who still lives in the pro social spirit on which this place was established,
It has been made clear, in no uncertain terms, that I'm no longer SAFE here if I intend to carry on in the spirit of ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, ALTRUISM, EQUALITY TRANSPARENCY and HONESTY which were the initial inspiration and foundational principles for our once community.

Slowly but surely
over many years
Those who seek to profit
at the expense of those less fortunate and the last hyper -biodiversity hotspot in our country,
Have used greedy power hungry Machiavellian tactics to the point
that I,
As someone who tresures my Integrity can no longer participate in,
or stay on the "community" on a daily basis.
Psychological and Physical wellbeing can no longer be assured here,
at least until the Cauldron has been cleaned. 🧿

On this particular day,
I came to collect my solar panel and battery as too many things have been smashed or taken whilst I am out in town ☹️

I was SO looking forward to spending time with Scooty and the other Wallabies,
the Turkeys, Ducks and Parrots
But the neighbours' s poor neglected Sheep with horns growing into their temples, mite outbreaks around the eyes and excrement infested dreadlocks pushed MY wildlife animal Friends out of the way,
Stole their treat day food,
then urinated profusely everywhere.

As they say
there goes the neighbourhood!- to people who just don't value care.😭

I won't miss the Bullies Vandals and Thieves but I am devastated not to be able to protect the last unpolluted creek Scooty, the other Animals and the trees indefinitely.
I swear I tried,
Please forgive me.

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