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Dinosaur Soft Tissue

8 months ago

#science #creation #kind #kinds #creationists #evolutionists #god #instituteforcreationresearch #sciencefacts #Darwin #Darwinism #theory #creationdesign #design #designbygod #dinosaur #dinosaurs #dinosaurfossil #dinosaurfossils

When Dr. Mary Schweitzer first published in 2005, in Science, she received tremendous pushback from paleontologists and other scientists claiming what she had was biofilm or contamination. Dr. Schweitzer continued to publish demonstrating that those assertions were wrong. My point is: now evolution promoting scientists say, “wow, isn’t it amazing how long soft tissues can last.” While in the past it was, “it can’t possibly be from the dinosaur, because biomolecules decay so rapidly!”

Since 2005, creation scientists have done their own research, looking at dinosaur tissues and have since published their findings in both secular and creation peer-reviewed journals.

But there is more. Creation scientists have quietly carbon dated many of their specimens. The results come back in the thousands of years.


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