Project 2025 Part 4 the 2000 election

7 months ago

Project 2025 Part 4 the 2000 election

Election 2000

Boy that was something to watch. Everybody was fed up with Clinton and it was amusing to watch Democrats dodge the awesome possibility to have good ole BJ Billy in there at your rally. He was kryptonite? Nah that doesn’t fit here. He was more like soy latte in a baby harp seal insulated cup made from wood from freshly deforested south American tribal lands with a tag on it that says “When all of the trees are gone you can wipe your ass on a spotted owl.” For some strange reason it was a close race in many ways. Al Gore was the absolute pits when he was on the campaign trail. Because of his rabid environmentalism, he spoke up at the worst times. Anne Coulter said at one point that it was like watching someone jump into the mosh pit at a metal concert just as the crowd parted. There was a lot of comedy. The run up to the election was nothing but insane and feverish. Where I worked there were union employees on both sides of the aisle. One radical leftist was trying to get as many employees as he could to go to Florida. The other side of the aisle more than likely went with him. I never asked, but they had a few stories. The pro Gore and anti Gore factions rushed to Florida. What interested me was the stories from the anti crowd. They went into Gore campaign offices and asked how they could help. In order to learn which buzzwords were required to convince them of their sincerity, they did the same thing one would do today. They watched a few lefty mudslinging ads. The next thing they knew they’d been given a van filled with posters, yard signs and bumper stickers etc to spread around the local campus. They drove away enthusiastic as they could be and went to a coffee shop after throwing their assigned mission in a dumpster. After a few hours they went back and got another load. They apparently did this in several places before switching sides. The point is that the Gore campaign was run with the same efficiency we’ve come to know all too many leftist blue hive cities by. Completely random and nonsensical just like the results.

I found the entire thing to be slightly disturbing. Something happened on election day that made me shrug the whole thing off. A state house representative was caught on election day with a voting machine and ballots in her car. No charges were filed and they let her go. I guess that was out of professional courtesy. Who says there’s no honor among thieves.

Bush won the election by 537 votes out of about 6 million votes. Recounts were the order of the day. The next thing we know we have the media explaining to all of us stupid people that were the ones who voted what a hanging chad might be. A chad being that little bit of paper that didn’t let go and was still there and quite possibly showing a change of heart in mid vote. In other words they were lying their asses off in order to make sure Gore won. During the recounts people gathered in angry crowds to watch every move they made. There was one place where the people counting tried to cover the windows so nobody could see what they were doing in there. The doors almost got beaten down so that ended with the windows uncovered. There were variants of that game that were attempted. Eventually it went to the supreme court because what was happening was Gore was being creatively nuanced into office or at least that was the fear. It was the interpreting that concerned everyone except the left who clearly live by Stalin’s words. “Those who vote decided nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.” This quote was brought up as the recounts in 2020 went on and on. ‘Certain unnamed ‘experts’ claim Stalin never said those words. At least that’s what the media said. That’s the same bunch that have told us UFO’s aren’t real for our entire lives until

In the end Bush won. The left won also but they got something they’ve always wanted. Electronic voting. Suddenly everyone threw common sense out the window and went for paperless evidence free balloting. What could possibly go wrong with that? I wasn’t impressed with that at all. That laid the ground work for what came next. The left went on and on about how the SCOTUS stole the election. So they had two new wedges with which to destroy and undermine our system of government. In case anyone has failed to notice they’re still at it.

The 2020 election was inevitable. Covid was used to lock everyone down and I think just about all of us are seeing it a lot clearer these days. The time article I link to below shows how laws were changed in many states illegally and not following their own laws. That Justice Roberts at SCOTUS said the rest of the country doesn’t have standing in the case, because it’s states that control their own elections really pissed me off. How about allowing non citizens to vote. Do you have a problem with that numbnuts? You better.
Now to address the donkey in the room regarding the 2020 elections and lawsuits that followed. Clearly Sidney Powell and many others were spoon fed too much bull hocky. The wild claims about CIA raids in Spain and captured servers that never bore out all smelled like a distraction, as were many of the claims that Dominion and Smartmatic helped steal the election. If you go look at just the Arizona elections you can see where much of the issues occurred. There’s a divider in the tray that separates ballots that are questionable and those that aren’t. That divider was left out in many cases according to the court cases and articles on the subject. That created a violation of custody regarding the ballots viability and they were used anyway. The cyber ninja forensic audit was in the open and online where everyone can see it as it progressed. The counting of ballots should be done like that. If you’re afraid of a camera watching what you’re doing you have no business being there in the first place. In, short file your feelings right in there next to your head. The entire country in case you’ve failed to notice is at stake. There were numerous cases where the ability and need to tamper with these machines became obvious. Several people pointed out they seemed to be designed to create these opportunities.
I think many of us can now relate to this incident regarding trust with Putin and Kim Jong Un. Can’t remember which one has the poison?
I remember the last screwed up election in Arizona where the people who ran the election were crying about how nobody likes them now. I don’t care. It matters not whether what we saw was ineptitude or corruption, step down and go work at a burger joint. You are clearly not up to or wanting to get this right. When Desantis took over Florida he fired that one loser that messed up every election she worked. Katie Hobbs of Arizona probably hands out awards and bonuses for that. The point here is that the left laid the ground work in 2000 for the 2020 election.

Here is the 2020 Time election article that explains much of what was done for the rest of the cheat.

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