Terrifying Details of Sumter County Murders Revealed

8 months ago

Dive deep into the perplexing mystery surrounding the Sumter County Does, Jane Doe and Jock Doe also known as Buckley and Freund. This chilling unsolved case has puzzled investigators for years. Join us as we explore the clues, theories, and possible leads in an attempt to shed light on this haunting case. Subscribe for more true crime content and join me in unraveling the enigma of the Sumter County Does.

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00:00 - Lead
00:59 -Introduction
02:14 -Who Was James Freund?
04:25 -Who Was Pamela Buckley?
05:36 -Finding the Bodies
09:35 -Identifying the Does
10:36 -Unanswered Questions
13:15 -Theory #1: Wrong Place, Wrong Time
14:53 -Theory #2: A Deep Conspiracy
16:55 -Theory #3: Sumter County Corruption
19:42 -Theory #4: Fast Cars and Dangerous Drugs
22:26 -Today: A Stalled Investigation
24:07 -End

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