Baby Laughs When Daddy Impersonates Mickey Mouse

6 years ago

Who doesn’t like Mickey Mouse? This adorable little boy sure loves that iconic Disney character and he’s not afraid to show it! If you like Mickey Mouse and his funny voice, you’ll appreciate this video, I assure you! As the video begins, you can see a baby boy and his Daddy chilling and home and watching cartoons. Daddy is impersonating Mickey Mouse’s voice to the baby boy to entertain him, and the little one couldn’t be more excited by that! And to be honest, Dad’s impersonation skills are awesome! Each time Daddy says “Oh, boy!” in his best Mickey Mouse voice, the baby boy burst into giggles! Oh, how precious is his little baby laughter? Impersonate away, Daddy! The baby boy is so happy that he can’t contain himself! This video is so adorable that I can’t help but watch it over and over again! And I bet you will feel the same way!

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