Pocket Pema Chödrön: 34 - Edging Towards The Open State (Yamsox Live Reading May 24th, 2024)

20 days ago

Braving the Open State: Insights from Pema Chodron's Wisdom

In this spiritually enriching livestream clip, we delve into the teachings of the esteemed Buddhist nun, Pema Chodron, as encapsulated in her book, 'Pocket Pema Chodron.' Featuring 108 powerful excerpts, this session spotlights Excerpt #34, 'Edging Toward the Open State,' which explores the intensification of habitual patterns in Vajrayana Buddhism. Learn about the bravery required to confront and transcend these patterns, moving toward an open state free from familiar constraints. Join us on this journey of spiritual growth and understanding.

00:00:00 Introduction to Pema Chodron's Teachings
00:00:34 Reading Excerpt #34 - Edging Toward the Open State
00:02:14 Bravery in Facing Our Patterns

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