Your INNER VOICE Is Calling‼️ Will You Pick Up⁉️

1 month ago

🗣INNER VOICE Exists You're Just NOT LISTENING‼️ How Do You Know? You DON'T Do It & Keep Thinking About It After.

👵This morning I walked past a short Mexican Grandma

✂️She was trimming her tree branches

💬Thought: "I'm tall, I should ask to help"
💭Counter-Thought: "That'd be weird"
💭Counter-Thought: "I got shit to do"
💭Counter-Thought: "Already walked by, too late now"

⏰Next 2 minutes thought,

😞Should've said something.

🗣Karmic Debt Takes Time Away From You.

🗣Ear Muffing Your INNER VOICE Takes Up Real Estate In Your Head

🧩REGRET = Not Living In Alignment With Your Inner Voice

🧩COPE = Distracting Yourself From The Pain of Regret

🧩How You Do 1 Thing is How You Do Everything

🗣You're COPING From YEARS of Not Listening.

🚨If You Can't Pattern-Interrupt Yourself

🚼at the Old Mexican Grandma Level...

🤔Will You Show Up When You're Called To Step Up?
🤔Will You Approach That Hot Girl?
🤔Will You Close The Sale?
🤔Will You Save A Life?

⚠️Start Training That Muscle NOW

🗣Take Action on Your INNER VOICE


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