Little Boy Loses Battle Against Trash Can

6 years ago

Nobody really likes doing house chores, but the whole family has to participate in maintaining the house nice and tidy. Taking out the trash is one of those easy boring daily chores that usually aren't too eventful. But that certainly does not mean that it can't be quite a challenge! If you don’t believe me that someone can struggle with completing the simple job of taking out the trash, you absolutely have to watch this hilarious video! As the video begins, you can see that it’s quite a windy day and a little boy is facing his responsibility of taking out the trash. At first, it seems like he’s got that trash can under control, but all of a sudden, the trash can decides to fight back! The strong wind opens the trash can and the lid hits the little boy’s head! LOL! This poor kid ends up facing quite a fight with the garbage can as he tries to roll it out onto the sidewalk! You shouldn’t miss this video!

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