9 months ago

We are currently in a Deadly National Crises, where our government and legal system have been totally corrupted. Corrupted to a point that they are unable to, or refuse, to stop the murderous communist/N.W.O. take over of our country. Our families and friends are actually being murdered with unlawfully mandated mRNAs, 5G radiation, chemtrails, weather weapons.. Our food and currency systems are being purposely destroyed. Our children are being sexually abused and assaulted in our government schools and institutions.. Considering the fact, that American Citizens have a Constitutional Right AND/OR Duty to protect themselves and the innocent... It goes without saying, that 'We The People' are not as powerless as our courts and government are currently pretending to be. Especially considering we have no less than 400 MILLION firearms and tens of millions of stand-up Americans who are tired of having their loved one abused/murdered by a corrupt system. But, this is also something they have been intentionally pushing us into - so they can justify using military force against their own citizens - who simply need to protect their loved ones. What is one to do ??? I can't say without being arrested, so I guess people will have to figure it out themselves.

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