MR NON-PC - Trump Sold You Out, Biden Sold You Out, The Satanic U.S "GUBAMINT" SOLD YOU OUT!!!

27 days ago

It's so far beyond me why the majority of people STILL don't see how Trump, Biden and the satanic U.S "GUBAMINT" has SOLD THEM OUT!!!!

Time and time again....lie after lie after LIE AFTER LIE....and the majority STILL SUPPORTS the evil greasy grifts.

And like I usually point out in many of my previous videos, the satanic U.S Gubamint has been lying and genociding the entire world as well as it's own citizens!

With just the past few years, and all the Mt. Everest size scandals and naked corruption you would think the majority would REJECT Trump, Biden and the satanic U.S Gubamint.....but no.....instead THEY EMBRACE THEM!!!!

I'm beyond frustrated and hopefully you are too.

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