June 1 LAWFARE Event - LONDON - My Day in Brief!

6 months ago

Saturday 1 June 2024 was epic - with only a few glitches - mainly, the impediments with ACCESS to Parliament Square, where the main event took place, as the police made it nigh-on impossible to access by putting up their impassable barriers up in two main thoroughfares...
The police, for ONCE, behaved themselves, which meant that the event passed with only MINOR incidents..(ONE being a masked man with a knife - who had NOTHING to do with 'us' and a small group of troublemakers, ALSO, NOT 'patriots', but scum 'undercover' losers, one of whom snatched and chucked my phone about 20 feet away and who, it appears, later struck Richard Inman in the face, as he went to try to quell the trouble they were participating in with some other random man in green...

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