ON DEMAND! Aired Jun.6'24 * Rumble.com/user/L4Atv1 * Chinese Aggression & Deception! We blow the doors off Biden's weak proChina policies that cost us Jobs & made us a laughing stock to China's People's Liberation Army (PLA)!

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Chinese Aggression and Deception Show:
Summarizing China's aggression and deception policies:

China engages in illegal, coercive, aggressive, and deceptive actions that violate sovereignty, sovereign rights, and jurisdiction in the South China Sea.

It establishes overseas military bases, steals resources in the South China Sea, and challenges neighboring countries.

China manipulates foreign public policy debates and engages in aggressive expansionist policies, using deceptions such as posing as news.

China intimidates immigrants from China who legally enter other nations, even going so far as to set up illegal police stations in their communities, and did so in 7 cities right here in the USA.

Chinese engages in maximum theft of intellectual properties, in technology, software, military equipment, anything that isn't nailed down, then offers its own subversive versions that are grossly underpriced, to drive competing manufacturers into bankruptcy.

And much, much more! Watch this highly reefined presentation film about their tactics and you won't believe some of the garbage they pull!

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