Parallel Persecutions

8 months ago

The intelligence agencies’ puppet masters are behind the orchestration to parallel Jesus’ crucifixion with Donald Trump's political persecution.
By aligning Trump’s Intelligence agency orchestrated STRUGGLES, with the struggles Jesus endured, People are being groomed to vote for Donald Trump believing he can save them.

Donald Trump was accused for years of being everything his accusers are, which only served as a way to exhibit his innocence, like Jesus.
Then they tried him in a court of law for nothing, like Jesus.
Trump’s puppet masters are behind the senes driving his convictions in order make it appear his enemies are getting him out of the way for threatening their power.
Like Jesus’ enemies actually did.

Trump may be assassinated, Like Jesus.
Then his puppet master could shift the narrative a from martyred Messiah to an, “illusive rebel leader” narrative.
Metaphorically speaking, in the way Jesus is still alive and fighting for mankind’s salvation from beyond through the Holy Spirit,
and similarly “Trump” the “illusive rebel leader” narrative could be used to lead a revolt against the Beast that ultimately will turns out to be a honey pot working against the innocent’s interest and for the Beast System and yet Trump’s followers will walk straight into the meat grinder to stop their oppression, believing Donald Trump is with them.

Jesus was accused for years and then tried in a court of LAW as a means to an end of Jesus.
Is Trump, having been accused for years, now being tried in a court of LAW as a means to an end of Trump ?
One thing is for sure.
Trump’s puppet masters will continue to use Donald Trump Dead or Alive, to pit you against me and mine and me against you and yours.

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