Silent War # 6377 Conscription For Western Whites, Food Supply, War, From Bad to Worse

9 months ago

On this episode of The Silent War:
Elon Musk's Twitter to allow porn, millions of children use this platform.

fires in the "Kfar Giladi" settlement in the Galilee region in northern occupied Palestine.

This is a direct result of Hezbollah’s attacks. They said “Give ‘em Hell” but got hell in return.

Conscription is coming to the west, the Jews want to send every last white to die in foreign sands to bomb babies for them while replacing us at home with Kalergi plan immigrants.

Zelensky wants your "sons and daughters"

Biden is bombing Russian Civilians and Gazan Babies. Trump promises to bomb them even harder to his donors. This is one of those rare promises he might actually intend to keep...

MRNA vaccines are permanent and pass to offspring. You're no longer human if you took this. Your children won't be either. What does it mean to "blaspheme The Holy Spirit" - The unforgivable sin? What else can it be but to pollute Gods Image? The Fallen Angels were never forgiven for creating the Monster nephilim mutants...and once again ALL FLESH is becoming corrupted...quickly.

You thought food prices were going up before? Wait until you hear about the latest attacks on our food supply...

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