Shocking Mortality Statistics: The Truth About Vaccines and Increased Deaths

6 months ago

Because I see these numbers of 3000 percent increase in cancer You know the Pentagon a 96 percent increase in heart failure What is what are the real numbers as best you've got them Because I know you won't exaggerate How bad is this Well let's take death Death overall is up in every single mortality registry including all the actuarial data considerably this is more than a 6 sigma event and you know it can range from 15 percent to 20 percent year over year These are huge mortality numbers Cancer is up in every single cancer registry And now Our group has broken the news that in the best paramedic system in the United States the Medic One system in Seattle where they have perfect data They are reporting a 25 percent increase in cardiac arrest in Seattle with the rollout of the vaccines 98 percent of the population took the vaccines in Seattle And so we know they're the most heavily vaccinated population I think in the United States And cardiac arrests are skyrocketing i know you don't like to speculate that's why they hate you because you're such a famous respected scientist and one of the most published out there but It's just as a father as a patriot as an American clearly this was a power grab

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