Never Work For A Female Boss? - MGTOW

8 months ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from David and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, Please discuss the reasons why men in general, but especially young white men in tech companies should choose to NEVER work for a woman. I've been in technology for a quarter century, working in the biggest organizations and now in silicon valley at executive levels. More than half of my career was spent working under female management, almost exclusively when they have no expertise in my field. I never ever succeeded under these circumstances. For nearly 15 years I've seen only woman, people of color and immigrants get promoted in large shops, no matter what accomplishments others may have. Your just the wrong gender/shade son. Strangely enough, during the blessed time when I worked under men my contributions were valued and my career exploded, like 100% raise in 4 years exploded. The woman told me how poorly I was doing and how I could not be understood, where as the men would promote me and use my explanations in company materials. Go figure. Warn the young talented men, especially white boys in tech. Don't bother simping for the power biatch, even if you win you are losing compared against the growth of your peers not working under hypergamy." Well Dave thanks for the donation and topic. Both of the jobs I've had in my life in the finance world I was under female or people of color managers. I was also under a feminist lesbian professor who was the head of my university faculty when I was taking a fine arts technology degree. That professor told me that I was horrible at communication and writing just like your manager did. She told me I couldn't write. Women compete with men and women not by outdoing them but instead by sabotaging them by attacking their self esteem. She didn't think I was a horrible communicator when she called the hate crimes police division on me. If the Canadian government wants to go after me for hate they could go all the way back forty years. I guess you might say I have a long history of pissing off women. I was so tempted to tell her that those that can't do teach. But that would have gotten me into more hot water. But David there is hope. After Elon Musk fired more than half his Twitter or X staff, most being women or minorities other big tech firms started laying them off too. Not only do they waste money doing nothing but as you found out they make the men that are working there a lot less productive. It's like they are handicapping us so they can rise up in the ranks and take the jobs. I've known at least half a dozen women that became highly paid six figure project managers for financial institutions and telecom companies in Canada. They never write code or do any actual work. They just manage the men that do. Once Ai starts to boost productivity companies will have no choice but to trim the fat and that will be the female managers first and admin staff. Men will be last out the door and we are on the verge of the world's largest shesession and women have no idea. I'll discuss more in a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor The Family Law Project:

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