forgive cos it will help you live a little longer

9 months ago

if it weren't for God i wouldn't be alive
it means way more to me now than it would have before
if i seem paranoid it's cos i am
only if you agree w/ me n see what i can see
if you get the wrong impression what can i do
i hate having sexual organs
if you want yer rights back just pretend you're a woman n lie
this is my fave part of this not much of a back road
nothing is going on in the suburbs
rural people are more interesting than suburban people
a lotta people dunno that they can turn right on red
only when i'm feeling like a piece a shit do i ignore road signs
i'd really be coping if i was w/ somebody
so many people dunno how to just be w/ themselves
it's still me me me w/ somebody else
the grittier the better
the world don't take no responsibility
honoring things that weren't worth honoring
social media is porn, ALL OF IT
i don't need a priest but it definitely helps
what you're seeing is God's Will not mine
everything that you see now has been an ongoing problem
women are supposed to have intuition n compassion
i'm pretty sure i got xy chromosomes
maybe things were supposed to be a struggle
socializing n sex n marriage isn't for everyone
they will break it cos they dunno the purpose of it
in-sane is a larger statement about the world
this is the reason why God put me in america
i know that i'm right n that's enough

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