Person named Dan in the Judicial System-with HOA President Steve and Charles Sean Dinse-STALKING ME

6 months ago


While having a minute to piece things together in these minute by minute WORLDWIDE attacks to EXECUTE or ERADICATE at all costs

Dan here I believe is on some of the older videos defacing my cars. But not 100% sure because it rotates from WORLDWIDE strangers taking turns on me to PROVOKE, get reactions, to try to make me look like a VIOLENT PARANOID SCHITZO to lock away or ERADICATE at all costs.

Also as shown on Dins's FACEBOOK account "How do we FORCE people into mental facilities" the same DEATH THREATS as Jason Perelman and FRIENDS and my family in 1988.

And many others

The MOST IMPORTANT thing in this video is that Dan seems to be FRIENDS with the Woodland Oaks President Steve. On the Woodland Oaks Baord. They have had it out for me since day one 26 years ago with BULLY Slumlord letters like you changed your light bulb and we want money for your BEHAVIOR. Things like this to get REACTIONS. To SETUP or FRAME. This is also with the entire complex and WORLDWIDE stalking groups working on me minute by minute since finding out in 2001.

Business partner and 14 year old friend Mike Huntley. Originally Jason Perelman's FRIEND.
Wanting to Start Signet-e Services with me. To get me close to have me KILLED or ERADICATED.

in 2001 Mike Huntley's DEATH THREATS with WORLDWIDE support.
"Wold of Paranoia", "Have a good life now", "We are using the SYSTEM against you", Judicial System. Dropping papers on my desk how to make people mentally ill and kill them in south Korea

"I have given you enoough rope to hang yourself with", "You are too out of control for california", "It's your BEHAVIOR" example you kissed a black girl when you were 8 years old.

and many other statements that don't make ANY SENSE!

Dan here see's me walking passing out cards on the MENTAL ILLNESS car groupings. For no reason Starts yelling at me, and THREATENING MY LIFE, trying to get reactions with his JUDICIAL FRIENDS and CORRUPT police officer friends. He then starts spitting on me.

He also states, that he worked security and they PROVOKE people to get reactions! Any time you INSTIGATE, you are creating the situation. And at that point, there is no excuse unless the reaction is so DRASTIC. But to INSTIGATE minute by minute for 47 years with WORLDWIDE support, is HUNTING and KILLING or ERADICATING! And generally people usually don't BULLY and INSTIGATE for ANY reason. Especially if your a SECURITY COMPANY. In otherwords Cityguard is PAID to HUNT and STALK! and has nothing to do with SECURITY.

He tries to stop me from entering my place. Then he follows me to my parking spot in my Garage. You will notice I have 1000's of similar videos from worldwide strangers for the mere act of having a Mouth and the ability to state to someone what is being done to my life before any website ever existed.

Also mad at me for having security camera's to PROTECT my cars, against their endless Car Vandalisms and Defacings.

Notice how Dan here, like everyone else REFUSES to talk about the situation as it is. Always pointing the finger at Kevin. Kevin's MAKING US hunt him. It's about liter, it's about yawning wrong, it's about dating women who Dr Ronald Berry Perelman doesn't approve of. My T-shirt in 1991 is making Eric Christianson, Sherri Christianson, Kelly Hatch hunt me to have me KILLED.

Yet no actual DIALOG about the 1 BILLION people per day trying to PROVOKE ME into situation I don't want to be in, and am trying to Avoid. Notice how Dan is LYING, pretending NOTHING IS GOING ON. To get what he wants.

He then tries to make FREEDOM OF SPEACH to stop a WORLDWIDE murder operation, about Liter! When we all know it's not. And BLAMING ME, the he want's a PERFECTLY CLEAN EARTH, when he can go out and live his own life not trying to KILL anyone who forgets to throw away their snickers wrapper.

Obviously these WORLDWIDE murder operations to kill a 5 year old is not about liter

The Lead Officer Charles Sean Dinse Agenda
"How do we FORCE people into Mental Facilities" While throwing EMPTY HATE LABELS on people he just doesn't like or Trust!

This going all the way down to 1977. Dr Ronald Berry Perelman's HATE for his 5 year old and his LIES that I'm supposedly a Violent Paranoid Schitzofrenic. HOWEVER. The real question here is why am I not allowed to have an OPINION about who I am.

And why do I have a PSYCHOTIC MURDERING family running around saying "You can't see yourself" and you telling us who you are or what your situations are, or of no consequence. Kind of like a SLAVE being WHIPPED, saying I'm not a bad person and I didn't do anything to you.

Or we are not bad people. Or if you want to relate it to the Holacaust, same thing.
Random people telling me who I am and avoiding the situation as it really is to get what they want.


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