How to Stop Overthinking!

4 months ago

Have you ever wondered why empaths tend to overthink things more than others? It all comes down to their heightened sensitivity to the emotions of those around them, which can lead to a heightened state of mental activity as they process these stimuli. In this video, we're going to explore four straightforward strategies to tackle overthinking and provide concrete solutions to halt these thoughts effectively.

Surprisingly, overthinking often involves a cycle of replaying or reinforcing negative thoughts and concerns that originate from our subconscious mind. This part of our mind is a deep well of thoughts, memories, and experiences that remain outside of our active awareness yet shape our conscious thoughts. Over time, overthinking becomes a habit as these negative thoughts are etched into our subconscious. The constant stream of emotions can be overwhelming and exhausting, causing some individuals to get stuck in a cycle of overthinking.

Not only is it mentally draining but it can also affect your quality of life and your personal relationships with family and friends. However, there are ways to break free from this pattern and regain control of your thoughts. Let's get to the bottom of why you're overthinking during this time.

Ask yourself: Is there validity to these thoughts? If not, first acknowledge that the thought may be based on fear, anxiety or a pattern of negative thinking. Secondly, remind yourself that not all thoughts reflect reality and it's okay to let go of those that don't serve you. If there is validity to these thoughts consider alternative perspectives; think about different ways you could view the situation - is there a more positive or realistic way?

Practice positive thinking by replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations focusing on your strengths and what you can control.

#Overthinking #Mindfulness

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