🐍⚡️White Serpent Media⚡️🐍 | Monday, June 3rd, 2024 | We must have each other's backs.

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🐍⚡️White Serpent Media⚡️🐍 | Monday, June 3rd, 2024 | We must have each other's backs.

There's been some strong messaging the past few days, it's EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that people are paying attention right now. Now is the time to come together in TRUUTH! Many important links will be posted in the comments, and this will be my only LIVE today as I am taking it easy to prepare for work tomorrow.

To Normann, Gordon, and Papi,

We have disagreed, but we were once close. I refuse to watch the same deceit that was sprung upon myself.

I stand with you, and will not watch you be thrown to the wolves.

I don't expect anything from this, just hope that the people will see. THE ONLY way through this is by all Nations and all walks coming together into THE SAME Canoe. The time is now, and thank you for what you all did this winter.

We all need to learn and continue to grow each and every day if we expect to bring back the peace to Mother Earth. It is nothing but entitled and foolish, to think you can affect change, without understanding


This is the only way. It is the way

Please Like, Follow, Comment, & Share, to help us get this message far and wide! 🤍💜🪶🐺

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