A07 - Creation: God Creates the World in Wisdom and Love

9 months ago

This lesson begins the study of salvation history. God created the world “out of nothing” in wisdom and love, to show forth His glory and share His truth, goodness and beauty with His creation. He created an invisible (angelic) world and a visible (earthly) world. Man is the crown of creation. The Sabbath is the sign of the covenant between God and man. The world is a macro-temple; Eden is a sanctuary, and Adam is high priest of humanity.

0:00 Trailer
0:24 Intro
0:42 Recap and overview
3:18 The great questions of life; some theories
6:14 Created for the glory of God
8:27 The seven days of creation; how to interpret the creation account
11:24 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth
13:56 The Big Bang; how old is the universe? Genesis and science
17:12 Days 1-6; the visible world
25:01 The creation of man; be fruitful and multiply; creation is very good
30:47 The Sabbath
33:09 From chaos to cosmos
34:31 The world: a macrotemple
37:08 Divine providence and the problem of evil
40:09 Prayer and conclusion
41:30 Outro

Check out Catholics for Israel's online Bible Course, by Dr. André Villeneuve, for FREE:
Part I: GOD'S STORY, OUR STORY - An Introduction to the Story of Salvation
Part II: LIVING IN THE KINGDOM - An Introduction to the Catholic Church and Catholic Faith

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