The Role of Doctrinal Engagement in Christian Growth | Word for Now | Jun 3, 2024 | CR

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Crystal Rivers | Word for Now | Jun 3, 2024

To achieve true spiritual maturity, believers must undergo a comprehensive process of indoctrination, which goes beyond simple faith in God. This journey begins with repentance from dead works and faith towards God, which serves as the foundational step. As believers progress, they must immerse themselves in the doctrines of Christ, a process symbolized by baptisms. This deep engagement with God's word is essential for the resting of the Holy Spirit within them.

The ultimate aim is to develop a heart that is highly sensitive and responsive to God's voice. This involves not just hearing God but acting on His words, embodying a broken and contrite spirit. As believers grow, they move towards deeper understanding and application of spiritual truths, culminating in the ability to make righteous judgments and live according to God's will.

Churches should function as centers of this deep doctrinal engagement, fostering environments where believers can be thoroughly be indoctrinated in the word of God. This process is critical for spiritual transformation, enabling believers to mortify the deeds of the flesh and manifest the nature of Christ. Thus, the journey of faith is one of continuous growth, marked by the progressive realization of spiritual principles and the embodiment of God's righteousness.

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