In the Notorious Case of Adam Walsh: Did Police Get the Wrong Killer and Even the Wrong Victim?

9 months ago

In the Notorious Case of Adam Walsh | The Crime Wave Panic of America: Did Police Get the Wrong Killer and Even the Wrong Victim?

The 43rd anniversary is approaching next month of the day that Adam Walsh disappeared from the video games in a shopping mall Sears store in Hollywood, Florida.

Why was the murder case different from all other murder cases? There’s never an issue at trial as to the identity of a victim.

No one has ever been TRULY charged with or brought to trial for the loss, so called murder of Adam Walsh.

We will dive into the case with different views and angles with incriminating leads containing facts on how John Walsh has formed this vial sense of justice in order to kidnap children and we’ll discuss others involved in this crime that has drowned America since 1981.

Join us, we will save you a seat.

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