Alex Chalk MP for Cheltenham disregarded care home neglect

9 months ago

Neglect of residents In Whittington house was so bad it was paramount to abuse, and typically ignored by the dismissive manager Lyndsey Dixon and Alex Chalk MP in 2017. Alex continues to turn a blind eye even now.
I don't know where Lyndsey is working now, but I hope to God it's not in the care or nursing sector.
I walked into Whittington House care home, Cheltenham, second visit of the day to see Lucy and found this elderly lady on the floor, I was told by a guy that she had fallen in the doorway and hit her head on the door frame.
He said he had pressed the alarm and alerted staff 10 minutes previous.
He says he was told to mind his own business.
So I tried to find staff to assist but no-one at all to be seen for another 15 minutes.. So that's 25 minutes at least, that this poor lady is on the floor and no staff to be seen.
Eventually a male and female staff appeared from the sluice room where soiled pads are disposed, looking very dishevelled, adjusting their clothes. The sluice room was very close by, so there's no way they wouldn't have heard the lady calling out.
Obviously they had heard the calls for assistance and ignored it until they finished what I assume was hanky panky.
This was run by Caring Homes who have evidenced many times to totally 'ghost' concerns, not just here, but also their other Cotswold residential homes too.
From a concerned son.
"I can now safely confirm that this Care Home is Whittington House Nursing Home Cheltenham. The manager is Lyndsey Dixon. We have decided that it is now appropriate to publicly name the home as the manager has now resorted to retaliating to the below safeguarding concerns and complaints by using 'Tit For Tat' tactics, banning Dad and restricting my visits because we complained. She is attempting to cause trouble between us and the social worker, who is in fact fantastic at her job and a very decent person, so these petty tactics have not worked.
So I popped in to the care home to see mum earlier on the way to the hospital to see dad.. What I found when I went in was absolutely disgraceful. Mum is only in here at the moment because Dad is in hospital and needed respite and can't get carers at home.
Went into mums room at 5:50 to find her slumping, nearly falling out of her chair in the dark, no lights on at all, and the TV turned off and the door closed. This is bad enough, yet it gets worse..
She is sat like this with her evening meal and drink in front of her, unaccompanied, when every single member of staff is fully aware that she cannot use a knife and fork or cut her food up and aware that she is at serious risk of choking on food and drink. They have been told this numerous times, yet still ignore it.
She didn't look right in herself at all, disorientated and looked scared, worried and disorientated. I hate to see her neglected.
She was soaking wet throughout and dried faeces, to even her leggings being soaked, so she had certainly been left like this for a substantial amount of time. Then I found that whatever 'carer' had changed her earlier in the day had put her pad on the wrong way round and inside out. It is made a certain shape so almost impossible to get wrong!
I ended up having to shower her myself, at which point it had been an hour since I had got there and still no one had come to check on her and make sure that she hadn't choked. She had no soap or shower gel in there so what the hell have they been using to shower her with? I noticed some bed sores which are due to the carers leaving her led in her own piss and shit for extortionate amounts of time, this can lead to Sepsis and can be deadly. Again, they have been told about this many times and still ignore it. They try to blame it on the pads yet she had not once got sore at home so how can it be down to the pads?
There was a little cup on the shelf above her bed with tablets in, god knows how long it had been there for. What if another resident had walked in and taken them, or if mum had managed to reach and take them? This could have been a lot more serious and potentially involve a death.
Again, they have been using the Sara Steady (with faeces uncleaned from it) which was obvious, with it being left next to her bed, every single member of staff has been told by Dad and also by the Social Worker, not to use this for transfers unless necessary, but to use her walker because that's what she's used to, and to keep transfers consistent each time. Again, it gets ignored and because of that she has lost more mobility and independence. I was told "it's quicker for us".
Oh, and the bloody stupid infant school toilets, so low, handrail next to the toilet in the bathroom.. how the hell can that even be useful to a client? It's about 1ft too bloody low! I stood up and it was too low for me to reach, fucking ridiculous.
Eventually Lyndsey Dixon (manager) and 'Jo' (the nurse who's as useful as a chocolate fireguard) decided to come to talk to me about my concerns, to which they she said that she had been extremely busy and had to deal with 3 or 4 falls, she tried to say that she had been sat with mum earlier when she first had her food and said that mum would back her up? So let me get this straight, your trying to say that a 48 year old woman with MS, Dementia, and Advanced Cognitive Impairment who often does not recognise her own husband and children will have the mental capacity to correctly back you up?!
Of course I can understand that staff are busy, but if the staff cannot deal with the workload then surely they should cut back on the amount of clients, or employ more people. 2 carers to 15 (sometimes one to a floor) clients is a complete joke. They will listen to complains, but do not document anything or make any improvements whatsoever. Think it's about time they sorted themselves out before they all seriously regret it".
All these issues had been raised in more than one previous meeting, Each time, the family were assured that they will be addressed. Needless to say, they were not addressed...
Rest assured that this had gone to safeguarding and CQC,,, actually, four times.
For this family to go to the home and consistently be so upset by seeing their relative suffer like this is disgusting.
I'm proud of the family. Yes, they did absolutely the right thing to resort to social media because the concerns were ignored..
Manager Lyndsey Dixon decided to retaliate to the complaints and use tit for tat antics by banning the husband and restricting the relative visits.
Whittington House, Cheltenham. Cups for the residents to drink from. Is this how you clean faeces from a transfer aid?? Is this how you cut residents nails?
Is this how you prevent sore skin from a person that never had sore skin in her life?
Is this how you clean your home?
Why do you write the name directly on clothing?
This is what happens when you give a "risk of choking" resident drink and food when they're left alone, lying down in bed.
I might add that this social worker (Kelly T) was fair and decent, we had was no quibble with her, she was probably one of the most professional, genuine and compassionate social worker that the family had ever met. even seen her with tears in her eyes. She was restricted in what actions she could take by her despicable line manager at Cheltenham social services. She subsequently left and went back to Birmingham.

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