Birthday Bowler's Bad Throw Takes Him Halfway Down Bowling Lane

6 years ago

In general, one could argue that bowling is a fairly safe sport as far as sports go. Sure, you could twist an ankle, hurt your wrist or throwing arm, maybe in an egregious case tear a ligament in your knee. But that, again, generally speaking, bowling is and should be a safe sport. The problems come in when people decide or act in strange, bad bowling ways that can potentially cause harm. We’re talking letting the ball during your backswing, throwing the ball, getting in the way of other bowlers, etc.

Which is how we got to this man and his very, very, very bad bowl. Fun fact about me, the unnamed blogger that you are currently reading, I was in a bowling league as a kid for a few years. I was kid good, but adult mediocre. I say that to say that in my time I have seen some terrible throws from adults and children when it comes to bowling. Part of the problem is that a lot of people take the act of “throwing” a bowling ball more literally than the term implies.

This is how you end up with a man who plants his foot and attempts to throw his ball while also walking through the throw. It is best to think of throwing the ball as more “rolling” the ball since that is what you’re really doing at the end of the day. Problem is a lot of people learn by watching and there are some great bowlers whose ball doesn’t land on the lane until it’s halfway down. That works for them but they also don’t throw it 10 feet in the air. I say, learn some bowling safety when it comes to throwing the ball, which sounds bitter but shrug.

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