College Co-Ed Dances On The Table Until It All Comes Crashing To The Ground

6 years ago

What do you remember the most about college? The classes? The pep rallies? The games? Or was it the late nights sitting around laughing with friends? I hope it wasn't the countless hours spent cramming for finals. I mean, sure, we all had to do that too but that shouldn't (hopefully) be the big takeaway memory for your time in upper academia. What about the hi jinks and the driving your roommates car down the main campus drive just to see if you could? And the intramural powder puff football games? My gosh, I want to go back. Don't get me wrong, I love my life and my wife and my family, but if I could go back to college for a week right now? My gosh! I would wreck things! The game would be changed up for real! All the Greek houses would be clamoring to get my squad in their doors.

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