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The Spiritual Battle For Our Humanity: Transhumanism, DNA, AI & Our Forgotten Past – Gregg Braden
**Must See** --> “There is something deep within each of us that is so powerful and so precious that Nations will go to war with other nations to keep us distracted. There is a movement to replace our bodies with synthetics, chemicals in the blood, sensors under the skin, computer chips in the brain, AI, which steals our ability from accessing the God Within. We are about to give our Humanness away to the technology before we even know what it means to be fully human. We are MORE than we were led to believe.”
Gregg Braden’s research led to the information encoded into the Human Genome – God is Within Us. We are part of the Eternal Creator.
I’ve watched a lot of Gregg Braden Videos on Youtube, I believe this is the first one I have uploaded.
Highlights / Brief Summary:
There is an Ancient Battle between Light (Good) and Dark (Evil) that is playing out before our very eyes which sets the context for everything that is happening in our world today.
There is a battle for our beliefs. They want us to believe lies.
There is a battle for our very humanness. They do not want us to discover how powerful we are. We will see our financial system collapse just so we won’t discover our Divine Nature.
They will try to change our chemical makeup with jabs.
Divinity is the power to transcend all limitations. We have the ability to defeat anything and transcend perceived limitations.
Gregg gives an example of Divinity after speaking with Musicians and asking them how they came up with such great music and he said all of them said it wasn’t really from them but it came through them.
Our divinity is ancient, timeless, ageless it is where our creativity, imagination and intuition come from and it sets us apart from every other form of life.
Our divinity can only be accessed through our body, through our DNA, through our natural antennas and there is a movement to replace our bodies – called the Transhumanism Movement. They want chemicals in the blood, sensors under the skin and chips in the brain which will prevent our ability from accessing this Divinity.
Everything that is happening because the battle for our divinity has amplified to such a degree and people are beginning to wake up that these are the events that it takes to keep everyone in a state of fear which distracts us enough to wake up on a mass collective scale which would wipe out the darkness.
Many of the politicians have no clue that they are part of this battle. They are just pawns. They are being used a puppets. They select the ones which they can manipulate the easiest and they help them get reelected time after time.
Battle may not be the correct word. Battle requires engagement.
We do not have to engage in the battle to win. The power is not physical. Divinity can transcend our perceived limitations.
The Dark Forces want us Divided in all areas: politically 50/50, racially, gender, opinions on issues like abortion.
We are playing their game on their court when we take one of the sides. They control BOTH Sides of all of these and they keep us distracted believing the illusion and they use FEAR as one of their main weapons.
No one politician will be a solution. Period.
It is the collective power of human divinity that can easily defeat the dark side.
There is divine potential within our DNA.
Technology is not the good or bad part – it is the human intentions behind it that makes it good or evil.
Gregg Braden explains Elon Musk’s Neuralink technology and how it involves a chip in the brain which can communicate via blue tooth directly to the computer with no wires. It can be a beautiful thing for people with no limbs or with disabilities.
It is all about INTENTION.
It can also be used for Evil things. The government wants all babies in the future to have these chips. This is probably not a good idea considering some of the things our government has done lately.
We are about to give our humanness away to technology before we even figure out who we are as HUMANS.
There is an evil agenda that does not want us figuring this out.
Why are we trying to MIMIC what we already have within us?
The answer is because it will hinder us from ever discovering what we really are.
That is why it is called Transhumanism. It is an evil agenda.
It is a race to get that technology in our bodies BEFORE we wake up and realize we already have everything we need from our Creator.
The mRNA’s are not for our health. They serve a different agenda and human health is not on that agenda.
We don’t need to have computer chips in our brain and be taken over by AI.
Comparing a Human Neuron vs a Computer Chip – a computer chip has physical limitations and cannot be scaled one it reaches these limitations. A Human Neuron – we simply don’t know because as Greg says, every time we think we have reached the limit, that neuron adapts and it shifts and accommodates to the greater capacity of what it is asked to do, so we don’t know its true limitations because it always exceeds.
That is OUR Humanness.
The average human body has about 50 Trillion Cells which is about .07 volts, that is over 3 Billion Volts collectively.
We are transistor, a resistor, a capacitor, it stores and releases information, it is a photon generator – we are sending light (which is info) into the field around us, we are receiving light (info/data) from the sun, every cell stores information just as a computer chip.
We are the Ultimate Computer.
Blockchain Technology – blockchain technology mimics the way DNA stores information in the cells.
Almost all the technology around us is mimicking what we already do within our body. With ONE exception – we do it BETTER!
We have lost ourselves and now we are longing to find ourselves. Our true potential. Our Divinity.
Once we figure out that all this AMAZING, Incredible technology is just a fraction of what we really are, we will let go of ALL of it.
We are more than the machines that we have built.
Why give ourselves away to a computer chip?
For efficiency and speed?
What if we wake up to our true potential and it is way better. *Note: I will upload a video next on this.
There is something beyond the human body that science doesn’t know.
Einstein’s brain had more folds and more surface area which means more neurons, which are biological antennas. The neurons are the antennas that tune to the fields that connects all things. This is esoteric knowledge and the scientific community finally is acknowledging this now.
DNA does the same thing.
Neurons are very social cells that want to hook up. It takes about 72 hours for the Dendrites to connect to other neurons to tune to the fields we are trying to master. If you are trying to learn something new, give it at least 3 days.
When you replace the natural biology with synthetics you are veiling the access to the field, to the intuition, creativity, imagination all begins to atrophy.
This is what mRNA does.
The human brain produces neurons to the last breath we take on Earth. However, if a new neuron is produced and is not engaged, it will die in about 14 days.
If we have AI doing what neurons do, what do you think will happen? They are not engaging their creativity, their brain cells begin to atrophy and the AI is not thinking for us, it is ENTERTAINING us.
That is not a good thing.
Ray Kurzweil says that by the year 2030 or 2035 we will no longer be pure human, we will be some degree of hybrid between natural biology and artificial external technology. He believes this is moving towards what we call the Singularity.
The Singularity is where we become the technology and are part of the Internet of All Things – IOT.
Our Lifestyle is determined by AI. What we do, what we can eat according the data within our body, how we can travel, where we can travel. Ray Kurzweil says this should occur between 2035 and 2045.
The food, water, medicine and air are inserting all the crap necessary for this.
This is why it is a race to wake up collectively.
Gregg Braden says that the WEF – World Economic Forum and the United Nations signed an Agreement in 2019 – the UN has a Program called SGD 30 – Sustainable Development Goals for 2030, which included 17 Goals by the year 2030 in which they believe will make for a better world.
These are unelected officials in which the people did not vote for their leadership or their opinions. We have no say in what they do.
If they want to poison us, we have no say in the matter.
What they are proposing is contraction of humanity not the expansion and loss of freedom, not increasing freedom.
Do we the people want this?
Anyway, in 2019 the UN and WEF signed a formal agreement for the UN to use the Sustainable Development Goals as the implementation arm of many of the WEF’s ideas because they are so closely aligned.
Now this ideas which once were thought of as science fiction and conspiracy theory are being brought up to Congress and at all different state and federal levels. This is a living nightmare.
When considering these insane ideas, we need to ask:
1. Do they give us freedom of imagination, creativity, and expansion of life and health and healing in the body?
2. Or do they want to control, contract, confine and limit freedom of imagination, creativity, expansion and health & healing?
The Cloned Sheep named Dolly at first looked normal, then she had Six Offspring and shortly after her body broke down and she died about half-way through a normal sheep’s lifespan.
Now they are finding that cows are dying at a premature age and they are not living an identical lifespan.
How cloning works – they take an egg and remove the Dna & Nucleus and place the DNA of another sheep in that nucleus and allow it to grow, but what they don’t tell us is that not all the DNA is in the nucleus, some is found outside of it and there is an energetic communication that occurs with the DNA – but when they inserted the new DNA into the nucleus that particular new DNA cannot communicate with the DNA outside of the Nucleus.
They think that this is why the Premature Aging and breakdown of the Body is happening.
When we give our humanness away to the technology we begin to lose our divinity and DNA functions responsible for healing and longevity.
We are destroying humanity with these vaccines and all the technologies and if we lose our humanness we will never get it back.
We have to wake up and become conscious of this.
This is happening right now.
The people leading us are NOT elected leaders. We need to realize what is happening.
We need to realize this BEFORE our foolish politicians go with this Agenda to give our humanity away. It is marketed as such a good thing, it is not a good thing. Not at all.
We are in a race and we have about 5 years so people better be helping others realize what is going into their bodies with these medicines and processed foods.
The sad thing is that the world government is all in on this. The majority of the US government has been infiltrated with the WEF and UN employees and they are introducing insane legislation to the other idiots that are corrupt and easily manipulated.
They sell this as if it is the best for humanity.
They will use Pandemics – PLANDEMICS to push this on us and it truly is a race, they want to get as many nano-materials in our bodies as fast as they can because this cannot be UNDONE. It cannot be Re-edited back to normal. Once our DNA is changed, it is a done deal.
Wake Up and help others wake up.
Charles Darwin – Origin of Species – the theory of Evolution – was all written and theorized from a Geologist. Charles was a geologist. Darwin concluded from one species of birds, from location of islands, from one moment in time and generalized it for all life, through all places, through all time, including humans.
Evolution is a fact but evolution in humans doesn’t add up because something else happened.
Ancestor DNA indicates we are not related to the Neanderthals.
The Dna is saying that our modern genome from the fossilized dna from ancestors, our biology has not changed, going back 200,000 years, according to Gregg.
There are mutations in our DNA that can NOT be accounted for under Natural circumstances.
Gregg says for example: Human Chromosome 2 – the second largest chromosome in the human body in the cell, there are about 1,200 genes in that chromosome, the chromosome is long strands of DNA and the genes are the shorter segments of the DNA.
One of those genes is called TBR 1, which is responsible for our brain size. We have a brain that is 50% larger than our nearest primate relative and this didn’t happen, slowly, gradually over a long period of time
Human Chromosome 2 is the Fusion of two existing chromosomes. At the end of chromosomes, there are what’s called Telomeres -- structures made from DNA sequences and proteins found at the ends of chromosomes. They cap and protect the end of a chromosome like the end of a shoelace. In almost all animals, from the simplest to the most complex, telomeres are required for cell division.
The telomeres protect the vital DNA information and are said to be correlated with human longevity.
Anyway, Chromosome #2 is said to be the fusion of two separate chromosomes because there not only telomeres on the ends but also in the middle. They should only be at the ends of the chromosomes.
This is GENE EDITING and it occurred 200 thousands of years ago.
It’s not just Chromosome 2.
We share 98% of our DNA with a Chimpanzee. Chimp’s can’t sing. Because Chromosome 7 in primates was stable for millions of years and then all of a sudden there was this little tweak in which two genes were switched around and this switch connected our tongue and our brain and our mouth in way which gave us the ability to have complex speech and this also happened 200,000 years ago.
The odds of this occurring is so small that it appears there has been an “Intervention.”
When science can’t explain something, they just ignore it and pretend it doesn’t exist. That’s the truth.
Science is great, but they can’t just ignore stuff they can’t explain.
In 2007, Japanese scientists releases a report saying they have stored written information in the DNA of a bacteria. They chose this bacteria because it replicates quickly and they could look at hundreds of generations and they could pull that DNA out in the 100th gen and see that they written DNA was still there.
They proved that DNA is a very good information storage medium.
If this can happen in bacteria, did this happen to us a very long time ago?
DNA is made from chemical elements found on the periodic table.
There are 4 Ancient Alphabets that remain: Ancient Cuneiform, Ancient Sanskrit, Arabic and Hebrew – these are the 4 root languages.
Every language has ALWAYS had Numbers that represent the letters. The science of interchanging these numbers is called Gematria.
There are 32 different rules for Gematria and to be valid all 32 rules must be followed.
Gregg thought, if the DNA of our body holds a language is it possible that the language could be the common link that would allow us to go from chemicals (periodic table elements) to letters?
In others words, can we read the DNA in our body like we read the letters on a page of a book?
It took Gregg 20 years to figure this out.
The answer is YES.
The information in our DNA is in layers and each layer has a different code. The first layer is the introduction layer, just as a book has an introduction.
Every cell is like a Library. Every chromosome is like a Book. The Genes are the sentences and paragraphs in the book.
Gregg said once he discovered this the scientific community shunned him and he lost his credibility.
Once again, if something is not understood, it must be ignored and ridiculed.
Our DNA is primarily made up of Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Carbon and Gregg looked at all those numbers that represented those and made a list and it was about this time that the human genome became available on the computer so he could look at this. Then he looked at the ancient languages and looked for a number of the elements that would match the numbers of the ancient language.
He looked at the periodic chart table and correlating it to gematria. Gregg finally found out after 20 years is that there is only 1 number that works and that is Atomic Mass.
Atomic Mass of the elements of our DNA correlates to the letters of the Ancient Alphabets.
The beautiful thing is the message that it reveals in all 4 Ancient Alphabets.
It literally reads a message.
That message is “God Eternal Within the Body”
So there are 50 Trillion Cells in the body and in the first layer of each of these cells it literally says
“God Eternal Within The Body.”
That’s some amazing sh*t right there.
Gregg said the Rabbis did not want this to be revealed.
200,000 years ago whoever intervened with our DNA left this message for us.
Now they want to replace our bodies with gene therapies and AI.
Note: THEY want to. We did not choose this.
Our body is a sacred temple. We are part of God Eternal. We must not destroy the temple.
The odds of this happening by chance is .0042% of this happening by chance.
We are not the product of long slow evolution. We are a “product” of DNA Editing. An intervention. We are a global family. We must embrace our humanness.
Divinity is about health & healing and freedom.
Medicine / Pharmakeia is about contraction and transhumanism.
What kind of Intervention happened 200,000 years ago?
It was Gene Editing. Chromosome 2 was the fusion of two preexisting primates and Gregg says we are the product of animal and the Gods and the product is Humans. So we are a Hybrid.
Gregg says that the Book of Enoch which was left out of the Bible talks about this. The angels in the heavens came to preserve and protect, were actually enamored and fell in love humans and that was the fall from heaven.
Are we the product of this breeding? IDK.
Zecharia Sitchin wrote the Earth Chronicles books and Gregg said he talked about this, but he believed we were created to be a slave species for mining for another race. Gregg doesn’t believe this is the reason we were created though, we may have been slaves, but Gregg says it wasn’t our purpose.
Gregg says the physics are now indicating that we are in a Virtual Reality. We are in a Simulated Experience.
Steven Hawking wanted to know if we are living in a Base Reality.
Are we living in a spin off from a base reality somewhere else?
Nick Bostrom in 2001 put together the first algorithm, plugged in variables to determine if this is a virtual reality and the odds were much greater than not.
When you look at an Atom, there is a lot of empty space and we are made of atoms.
The Double Slit Experiment – a particle will behave differently when being observed, if not being observed it is a Wave and when being observed it collapses into a particle of reality.
So if no one is looking it is pure energy. If someone is looking it changes. Does this indicate everything has some type of conscious?
Fractal Mathematics – when looking at a particle it is never ending with geometrical patterns, the closer you look, you will continue to see different patterns, it never ends.
Our World is Holographic.
An Atom looks a whole lot like a Universe with a solar system and planets.
Our Ancestors said everyone once in a while we go through a RESET.
2012 was not the Reset but it marked an end to a Cosmic Relationship with our sun, solar system and milky way. You don’t stop a cycle on a dime, there is a buffer period 36 years, 18 years before and 18 years after which makes 2030 a big year. It is when we move into a new world and the Mayan’s said we won’t recognize our world anymore.
The UN has targeted the Sustainable Development goals for 2030.
Has there been 4 World’s or Civilizations BEFORE ours?
Are we in a Simulation?
Is 2030 the year we enter a new world?
It this an Energetic Reset? Can the reset be stopped?
Greg says there are some scientists that want to change the Orbit of Earth. He says as if trying to changes our Genetic Makeup wasn’t enough.
Greg says Earth is not what we have been told, there are a lot of lies, the moon is an artificial body that was engineered. The moon is covered in meteorites that will not go below a certain depth.
Scientists sent a missile to the moon and when it hit the surface the moon was ringing like a bell, which is not natural.
Gregg said we did go to the moon, we definitely have been to the moon. He observed the soil samples which have metals not found on Earth.
There are writings about the time before the moon. The tides were 400 feet and we needed this moon to stabilize the ocean and this didn’t occur just by chance, it was placed there.
He says the moons of Mars are artificial also.
In the center of of the Galaxy, every once in a while there is a burst of Cosmic Rays Energy, the Center of our planet is so dense and when these rays hit it, it heats it up and shifts the core and recently, geologists discovered a core within the core. When it is hit, they can’t pass through the cores and the molten outer core are translated into the mantle and go up into the crust along fault lines.
There are two major plumes. One in the Pacific Ocean – by California and one beneath Turkey.
This cosmic ray energy burst occurs about every 26,000 years. This is what causes the real climate change, the oceans are producing the CO2 that scientists are measuring. The oceans are warming from underneath, not from the top down like it would be for the global warming these idiots are saying.
So there is true climate change. It must be addressed. More Earthquakes will come.
There may be a Mini Ice Age coming in about 20 years and our Electric Grid Lines may need to be buried so they do not freeze up. Earth is going into a COOLING period, not a WARMING period.
The Civilization we are living in occurred about 5,000 years ago.
There have been Advanced Civilizations – seeded from off planet – star seeds and they have Modified our DNA and they are our SEEDERS.
Antarctica – once you go through the ice there is no magnetic field, it is desert and 0% humidity. Computers may not work in that environment.
Siberia – Woolly Mammoth’s were frozen while walking, some big shift happened very fast to make this occur, they froze in place. It’s a good place to study Gregg says.
There is a Fundamental Battle between Good and Evil that is playing out right now. They are trying to capture our humanity. Our humanity is the conduit to our Divinity. But, divinity is not something that can be touched. So, they are attacking our human body with these plandemics and their solutions.
We are actually a kind, benevolent and gentle species.
Our True Nature is kindness, forgiveness and compassion:
When we feel Threatened – when we feel our family and our lives are being threatened, we can betray our true nature.
We are Angels walking this Earth but the different from the ones in Heaven as we have forgotten and they know they are angels.
André Duqum – Know Thyself --
About Gregg Braden --
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END. 6/9/2024 – 9:00 PM
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