PS4 Resident Evil 5 Mercenaries United solo Mine Barry 150 kills

1 month ago

continue with my 150 kills mission. since i have done 150 with barry in public assembly, missile area, ship deck , and prison before. so i started the mine on this stretch. i changed my strategy after a few tries; instead of head butt only melee, i added miranda rights melee in the mix. reasons; miranda rights sometimes will take out multiple majinis if they happen to stand near by, and two shots on body and legs are a lot easier to aim than head shot. i also decided to use explosives to help taking out some of the majinis. because with my mediocre skill, i couldn't finish then all in time with just melee kills.

dog gone it, i got my 150th kill with 1/10 of a second left. i didn't think i did until i saw the screen says 150 enemies killed.

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