We’ll Understand It Better By&By|Davis Sisters|CRISPR DNA w/Kerry Cassidy | Scott Perez & More

17 days ago

We’ll Understand It Better By&By|Davis Sisters|CRISPR DNA w/Kerry Cassidy | Scott Perez & More

My Offering For Today

About the Davis Sisters

God does not ask more of us than we are able to do. .

1 John 4:1-5 especially verse 1
What causes the sky trumpets?
The Earth is groaning, with weight of sin
Trumpets in an accompaniment with all the living creatures. All living under the Law of Decay.
Most of what tHey have planned, will have not happen
Announced false flag
Threat of war
Around the Throne singing the quiet part out loud!
Just because, you do not know the lyrics or find the meter or the timbre does not sound to your liking.
A matter of tuning your ear. . .
What are the Sky Trumpets
Romans 8:21-22

Holy, holy, holy [is the] Lord God, the Almighty [the Omnipotent, the Ruler of all], who was and who is and who is to come [the unchanging, eternal God].”

Revelation 4:4

Holy Holy Holy
Text to contemporary hymn

Kerry Cassidy
Scott Perez

Define DNA

Define RNA

Define Pathogen

Creating Clones
From a carbon based cell to a synthetic based cell

Selected pictures from Scott Perez interview.
Simple Explanation
Human Borg Genesis
Inside Science
These are an unknown quantity
CRISPR's Next Advance Is Bigger Than You Think | Jennifer Doudna | TED

It has been the dream of the evil satanic cabal to develop a way to by pass God to make a mud being, a Homunculus
This is in essence of clones.
Replicated beings with the goal of placing their soul, their essential essence scientifically inside a new body.

It has been reported, the late QE2, said she worked on the 1611 King James Version as a scribe.
I was there as a scribe also, but I don’t remember seeing her there.

I remember, my father and I were, as colleges, working on the many texts in the 1611 version, and then the debut of the King James Version.
As imperfect as it may have been, it became known as “the text received” by most of the English speaking peoples, who also journeyed to America.

These humble itinerate preachers and parishioners had few resources, maybe a commentary, and few typed messages in a small book called a ‘pocketbook. No longer a hyphenated word, the little books sprang up with endearing messages.
Like shorts on YouTube only in a book form. A 3X5 inch X 1 inch which would easily fit in a small handbag or in a man’s breast pocket. The print easily rivaled our #4 font.

God Is More Powerful Than You Know
What I have learned; the Creator of all things may with or without the written Word.
God can with or without the knowledge of a Saviour, ignite a flame, a desire to love God, because in every hueman heart there is a longing to know his loving Maker.
I cried out. “When are you going to stop being an angry young man!?”
God meets man when and where he finds him.
Gigi Young
Etheric Reptilian Beings

Gigi Young
This have been the goal for sometime now. I believe it was Copernicus who said while looking at a dead body.”There seems to be something missing?”
Figuring Out How to get life into a being. Maybe it’s better to hack a body who already has the breath of God in it.
Mind Control
• •
Gigi Young
Terra Gia

When the rightful heirs of the Earth raise their consciousness, the Earth is ready to rise with us.

Moody Blues
Nights In While Satin
A cry for God.
A message for God – “I Love You-Oh How I Love You”
If you know better how to reach this, or any other generation with the gospel truth; please tell me.
As William Booth, cofounder of The Salvation Army said. “Why should the devil have all the best songs?”
The World will become stranger and stranger. Who you believed to be on the up and up will become weird to strange

The Doors People Are Strange
You are fearfully and wonderfully made
Psalm 139:14
I am; not today, nor have I ever been a vegan
Years of wars: years of the plagues to death
Sick to death of the worship of the dragon
In a future day, in which men will despise killing
A chant will arise; “All Sentient Beings Live”
What Makes You Hueman God’s Creation-Grafted into the Root of Abraham
Romans 11 especially verse 17

In The Golden Age God’s Day Of Rest
You have no idea of riches coming to you because you were grafted into the root, the Royal family of Adam.
You have no reason to boast, a branch may have been cut off; but you have been grafted in.
Even though you are a Wild Olive you are now treated no different than the original inheritors.

In Everything Give Thanks
1Thessalonians 5:18-19
18 in every situation
[no matter what the circumstances]
Be thankful and continually give thanks To God; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.
19 Do not quench [subdue, or be unresponsive to the working and guidance of] the [Holy] Spirit.

Do not quench the spirit of praise and thankfulness, which produces more workings of the Holy Spirit with miracles and Spiritual Guidance.

What does all mean?
Be thankful for the lessons learned
Take responsibility where you failed.
Joyously journey on, with grace as forgiven.

Why? God Gives Grace to be Forgiven.
Allows you great grace to be given to others. Why, else would God give great grace to you?

Great Grace for the foolishness of others is allowed.
Great Grace and Forgiveness is God’s gift given to those who have had much to be forgiven. I am such.
Some are offended and offensive
Ecclesiastes 7:21-22

Matthew 18:15-17

James 1:12

Take a break rest your eyes.

Earnest Tubbs
I’m Walkin’ The Floor Over You
When the Spirit of the Living and Propelling God comes to make his home in you, take up residence in you.

Remember: Satan mimics God’s spiritual work, but with a rough hand. As in insertion of the Vril, which eventually inhabits the receptacle of the worm.
The worm eventually carves out the entire person until the worm has total control.
Does anyone remember in “Stargate SG-1 the Goa'uld Worm who inhabited Huemans to make themselves to be god. To give them long life.

Reported as Vril Worm
Do recall seeing pictures of so called elites with a black eye. That is the entry point of the Vril worm.

The Black Eye Club
You are animated by God;
to forgive is a divine attribute.
They are forgiven when they washed by the blood of Jesus, to present themselves to God the Father through the lens of prism Jesus.
A great mystery indeed!
Picture of a Grey Alien also referred to as Zeta Reticulans, Roswell Greys or Greys, are purported extraterrestrial beings.

And possibly from the DUMBS.
What Am I Talking About The Seventh Day Rest Experience Soon To Dawn Upon You And I

People are seeking a higher consciousness by the billions.
God is making them God seekers

Huemans not only foresee the future, but they create from whole cloth; theories, thorium, calculate, writing styles,
They can determine from where a being may reside.

Why not use a computer?

Whats in Whats out
JUNE 1 Sight
Video Embedded
God; is repairing our DNA, is creating God seekers, is repairing our DNA to receive the Christ Consciousness by the billions.
From God seekers to God finders.
Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.
The message of cohesion
We the people congealment
At what Point Are we moving at a Unified Front
The real America is coming
JFK 1962
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
What happens when organic change
Is not allowed; an inevitability change is brought by Violence

As in free speech, you must exercise it
As in bearing Arms, you must exercise it
Fully Fallible
God’s Vessel
God Supplied
Fully Hueman
Non Monetized

End •• 9,904

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