Baby Girl Tries To Learn How To Walk But Falls Repeatedly

6 years ago

Learning how to walk is one of the biggest milestones in every kid’s life. And we can all agree that not many things are more adorable than those first wobbly baby steps. So precious! This video shows a baby girl’s attempts at walking on her own for the first time. It will melt your heart for sure! You absolutely have to take a moment to check her out! This cute baby named Dawson is determined to learn how to walk by herself, and she is unstoppable. It doesn’t matter that she can’t keep her balance on her own. That’s not an obstacle for her, oh no! Baby girl Dawson is pushing a toy shopping cart in front of her to help her gain balance. It’s just too bad that it’s not really working. At first, it seems like she’s got everything under control, but every attempt she makes ends with a fall. Oh, how precious is she? So adorable!

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