Movie Trailer “Twisters” The Sequel To The Original Movie That Was Over 25 Yrs Ago~ The Difference Is This Sequel Shows Clearly How Manmade ~Clearly GEOENGINEERED Tornadoes!

9 months ago

This video begins with a trailer from the upcoming summer blockbuster movie "Twisters", which is a sequel to the movie "Twister" from over 25 years ago.
I found the featured clip in this video on a Telegram channel, but I do not recall which channel. What I DO remember about it is that THERE WAS NO CAPTION to accompany the video. When I watched it, I was astonished at the appearance of the tornado in the video. It was, I believe, CLEARLY MAN MADE, CLEARLY GEOENGINEERED because I have never before or since seen a tornado that had a half dozen smaller tornados, WHITE tornados, swirling around the huge base of the main tornado. I hunted high and low to find images or video clips of a similar tornado but found nothing similar to that one.
Again, the video had NO caption and NO credits with it, and after trying to find out who created the video of that crazy tornado, I have not as of yet been able to find out the names of the people who created the video. If I knew their names, I would obviously credit them with their work, AND give them kudos for their bravery.
Man made tornadoes. THAT IS ABSOLUTELY EVIL. The new movie "TWISTERS" that is coming out this summer even suggests what they are already doing. I am not a proponent of Hollywood, but my wife and I will probably go see the new "TWISTERS" motion picture just to gather more Cabal planning information. One of the trailers to that movie is at the beginning of this video and another is at the end of this video.

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