A Hilarious Cat VS A Moth Behind A Glass Door

6 years ago

Cats are such funny animals, and that’s definitely a big part of their adorableness! If you are a cat lover, this video will make you laugh out loud, for sure! We all know how excited the cats get when they play with a laser pointer dot. However, that can’t compare to the excitement that cat from this video experienced when she saw a flying moth! At the beginning of the video, this kitty cat was sitting by a glass door and enjoying the sight of the starry night. All of a sudden a moth appears on the other side of the glass door. The cat’s reaction to the moth is absolutely priceless! She jumps as high as she can and scratches the door as hard as she can, just to get that moth! No matter how hard she tries, her attempts to catch that moth fail miserably. But she keeps trying over and over again! How funny is this kitty? Absolutely hilarious!

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