Two puppies who were dumped in the middle of the desert got rescued by two driving men

6 years ago

Two puppies who were dumped in the middle of the desert got rescued by two driving men

Briggs LocHaven& Chris Vanness the two brothers were driving from Arizona to Colorado.

They spottedtwo puppies left on the road.

The Two dogs in the middle of the desert seemed a prairie dogs.

Briggs LocHaven and Chris Vannessgot closer and were able to see exactly what they were.

They stopped and got out of the car to check on them.

The puppies were severely dehydrated and starving.

The brothers continued to feed them in small amounts.

After 10hours, they started to become more active.

The pups continued their journey with the men until they reached the final destination.

The brotherscontacted their friend who rescues dogs and asked to help the pooches.

Last update:both of them have found an amazing home and family and they got to stay together .

This story makes heart worm and happy.

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