6/2/24 sheep in judgment.❤️

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6/2/24 sheep in judgment

In my dream, I saw a woman that looked completely normal, as a housewife, a mother, a grandmother; but suddenly God revealed to me the actions and thoughts that had been operating in her long life. Heaven showed me her evil deeds. Her deeds were so bad that they made me want to revolt in my dream. The Lord looked at me and said; “Yes, it makes heaven vomit by the incredible evil of her actions.” I was amazed at the evil deeds that she was accomplishing all of the time, appearing to be completely innocent as a beneficial person in society. The cover-up was so cleverly done. The proper judgment upon her life would appear to some to be completely unjust, that some might even rise up to accuse this judgement as being unjust.

I had a realization that I was a sheep, and I was feeding by still waters. It was my job to agree with heaven to judge this evil person, even though they were in clever disguise. I was to agree with heaven because heaven’s justice is just.

In the name of Jesus Christ I agree with heaven to judge this person and anyone like them. Today let the birds of heaven feast upon their flesh. Amen in the name of Jesus Christ. Let it be written and let it be done. Amen.

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