Vachanāmrut Gadhadā I – 8: Engaging the Indriyas [...] (Yamsox Live Reading April 25th, 2024)

1 month ago

Shriji Maharaj & The Path to Divine Love: Purification and Devotion Unveiled

Delve into an enlightening session where the essence of becoming closer to the divine through purification of the self and developing unconditional love for God is explored. As we navigate through the teachings of Swāminārāyan, widely regarded as an avatar of Krishna, we uncover the practices that lead to an intimate spiritual awakening. Discover the path to purify your antahkaran (inner self) and cultivate a deep, loving relationship with the divine, paving the way for a fulfilling spiritual journey.

00:00:00 Swāminārāyan: An Avatar of Sri Krishna
00:01:39 Purifying the Antahkaran
00:03:33 Developing Love for God

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