Rand Paul says their investigation uncovered evidence that Fauci & Co were deleting emails (

8 months ago

Rand Paul says their investigation uncovered evidence that Fauci & Co were deleting emails (then emailing about being “safe”😂) that confirm Dr. Fauci was involved in a “massive cover-up” and has committed a felony 👀

“All evidence was then covered up. They began using burner phones. They began using couriers. They said we can’t do things electronically… It sounds more like the CIA than the NIH. But it’s unbelievable the amount of things that went on...

Ultimately the buck stops with Anthony Fauci… and he has a responsibility not only for the cover-up, but also responsibility for letting dangerous research go on that led to a pandemic… that killed millions of people.”

We definitely need a new Nuremberg-style trial to lay out the crimes against humanity these scumbags have committed.

Not only did they actually kill millions of people, but they also destroyed countless lives.

WE THE PEOPLE demand retribution.

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