Episode #133: The Forgotten Teachings Of Joseph Smith W/Drew Briney

6 months ago

So, when we talk about the revelations of Joseph Smith where does your mind go? If you’re anything like me, it goes to the Doctrine & Covenants. Now you’re not wrong in this but what if I said that there was a whole bunch more revelations and teachings from Joseph Smith that rarely ever get looked at because of the hours it would take to catalog and publish those teachings. Man, if only there was a guy who would want to endure that kind of pain to publish those things from Joseph……well luck for us there is. Drew Briney joins me again on the podcast as we talk about his new books the Forgotten Teachings and Insights of Joseph Smith. We talk about how the book came together, how he sourced all the material and how he went about putting the book together. We then go over a few pages of the book and along the way find ourselves in some pretty deep doctrinal discussions as we talk about the Forgotten Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith.

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