2G 3G 4G 5G telecommunications mast on Saint Mary's School's roof. Glen Road Belfast

9 months ago

Video taken on the 6th July 2022. I have contacted the school numerous times to request planning permission and public liability insurance details, but have not received any reply as of yet.... I find it very strange that there were no health and safety reports commissioned before the installation of a high powered microwave transmitting array on top of a school building?
microwave radiation has been linked to memory and cognitive problems.

The Stewart report (2000)recommended that these base stations should not be constructed close to schools

"The report was commissioned in response to fears that mobile use could be linked to memory loss, and even Alzheimer's disease.

Some studies have suggested that children are more vulnerable to the effects of microwave radiation emissions because their nervous systems are not fully developed and their skull is thinner than adults, providing less protection"


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