Who Control and Rule the World? JFK to 9/11: Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick! (2014)

8 months ago

If this does not wake you up NOTHING WILL!

Note: One of my buddies told me to see this documentary in 2020 I think, after I made a few video interviews with him, shared on my channels.

It took me about 2-3 days to see it, I can not sit and see a 3h and 28 min video in one row.

This Documentary show and proove exatly why the Satanic Elite makes WAR...

Follow the Fucking Money...

It is NOT the ordinary people who makes War...

Who get Fucked every time there is a War?

The ordinary people who just try to survicve?

Or the Rick Satanic Elite who make a lot of money on any War?

One of the best Documentarys I have seen, there for a Reupload..

Links to more Documentarys about same topic below...

There is NO such thing as a Fucking 'Coincidence'!

Who Control and Rule the World? JFK to 9/11: Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick (2014)

3h 28min | Documentary, History, War | Video 19 November 2014

This is one of the only documentaries that actually speaks on the real Secret Societies which for most are still a secret.

User Reviews:

If this does not wake you up NOTHING WILL!

When will the SLAVES (you) stand up for themselves and drag the fat cats out of their ivory towers and hang the lot of them (or at least lock them up forever) as they obviously deserve.

This should be played every year in all schools around the world.

Writer: Francis Richard Conolly (as Francis R Conolly)
Stars: Francis Richard Conolly, Gordon Arnold, Charles Brehm | See full cast & crew »


Part 1.
JFK to 9/11: Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick! (2014)

Who Control and Rule the World? The Scariest Movie Ever Made by KJOzborne [2007-2020]

Fall Cabal [Part 1-10] Who Control and Rule the World? (Reloaded) [15.04.2020]

Who Control and Rule the World? Wake up to the Truth! [02.03.2021]

Who Control and Rule the World? The Jesuits Priesthood of Absolute Evil Exposed! [31.12.2016]

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