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Prophet Amanda Grace - A Crucial Prophecy Mystery of the 2 Goats & a Warning to the Nation captions
Amanda's thorough analysis of the mystery of the two goats and its relevance to the current political climate is both thought-provoking and insightful. She draws parallels between biblical narratives and present-day circumstances, urging listeners to seek God's guidance and to be vigilant in prayer as the nation faces critical choices and trials. With a focus on the need for repentance and spiritual discernment, Amanda's message serves as a call to action for believers to engage in prayer and seek God's will in the midst of these unfolding events.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Amanda! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
Dive into the mystery of the identical goats, Jesus’ trial and what is ahead for November 2024.
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Video Transcript:
Now, let's get into the main event of the evening. You know, I realized and I said this to our team before we went live. I'm wearing the the Lakers colors, the basketball team. So, I I don't know why that happened but it just it just did. So, for those of you who are Lakers fans, you're welcome. Okay.
So, let's talk about this prop hetic mystery, shall we? The mystery of the two goats and a warning to the nation and this year, and an election year, okay? So, what is this mystery of the two goats? Now, I'm going to unpack this for you because we have to go back the book of Leviticus but we have to talk about Yom Kippur because this is where this begins and we're going to work up from there to now and you're going to see this prophetic mystery unfold as we talk about it. So Let's begin here.
Yom Kippur which is the holiest day of the year on the Jewish calendar falls in late September early October. So this is where the atonement and repentance for sins right? Happens in the Jewish faith. The 10 days of awe or repentance begin Rosh Hashanah which is the feast of trumpets and ends Yom Kippur . So basically there's 10 days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Now The 10 days of repentance are seen as an opportunity for change and since the extremes of complete righteousness and complete wickedness are few and far between, Rosh Hashanah functions for the majority of people as the, now listen to this, as the opening of a trial, that extends until Yam Kippur. It is an unusual trial. Most trials are intended to determine responsibility for past deeds. This one however, has an added dimension determining what can be done about future deed The 10 days of repentance are crucial to the outcome of the trial since our verdict is determined both by our attitude toward our misdeeds and by our attempts to rectify them by changing ourselves. That is from my Jewish Learning. com explaining this 10 days of repentance. So when Rosh Hashanah begins, it's the opening of a trial. Isn't that interesting? When we see so much of that happening right now. However, I want to focus on Yom Kippur. So the focus is going to be on Yom Kippur here.
Now in Leviticus sixteen verse five it says and he shall take from the congregation of the children of Israel two kids of the goats as a sin offering and one ram as a burnt offering. Leviticus sixteen verses seven through nine. He shall take the two goats and present them before the Lord at the door of the Tabernacle of Meeting. Then Aaron cast lots for the two goats. One lot for the Lord and one lot for the scapegoat. And Aaron shall bring the goat on which the Lord's lot fell and offer it as a sin offering. Verse ten but the goat on which the lot fell to be the scapegoat shall be presented alive before the Lord to make atonement upon it and to let it go. As a scapegoat into the wilderness for the people. Now Leviticus chapter sixteen verses fifteen through nineteen says then he shall kill the goat of the sin offering which is for the people bring its blood inside the veil do with that blood as he did with the blood of the bull and sprinkle it on the mercy seat and before the mercy seat so he shall make atonement for the holy place because of the uncleanness of the children of Israel and because of their transgressions for all their sins and so he shall do for the Tabernacle of which remains among them in the midst of their uncleanness. Verse seventeen, there shall be no man in the tabernacle of meeting when he goes in to make atonement in the holy place until he comes out that he may make atonement for himself, for his household, and for all the assembly of Israel and he shall go out to the altar that is before the lord and make atonement for it and shall take some of the blood of the bull and some of blood of the goat and put it on the horns of the altar all around. Then he shall sprinkle some of the blood on with his fingers seven times, cleanse it and consecrate it from the uncleanness of the children of Israel. Okay. So two kids of the goat are taken. Two sons of goats. In God's word it talks about the separation of the sheep from the goats. These are two sons of goats. They must be identical. The two give kid goats that are taken. The high priest then reaches into an urn and pulls out two lots and each lot had a different Hebrew word that was inscribed on it. The high priest then placed one lot on the head of the goat to his right and the other lot on the head of the goat to his left. One stone identified the goat that would die as the sacrifice for the sins of the people. The other stone identified the goat that would be let go into the wilderness. Before any sacrifice could occur, there had to be a presentation of the two kid goats before the people of Israel by the high priest who was the high authority figure who represented God's law. So when the two kid goats were presented before the people, the determining of the lots occurred, which determined their fate. We're going to lead up here. In the book of Esther we see the casting of Lots by Haman to determine the day of the Jews destruction. And that day fell on the 13th of Adar. That Lot fell on that day. Being written and sealed with the king's mark. Kind of like the mark being put on the goats that sealed their fate. And that edict was then sent out amongst the provinces that the Jews would be destroyed on that day. The king who was King Ahaswares who represents the law of the land, right? Was manipulated by Haman to do so. Which means Haman was determining the fate of the Jews, right? The Goats when he was not in a position of authority before God to do so which is a main reason you see this divine reversal happen. Because the law was being put upon the head of a Jewish nation. It was not Yom Kippur and Haman according to law had no authority to cast a lot that only the high priest or high authority figure could cast okay so when Esther and Haman just the two of them go before the king remember she had two banquets after fasting for three days she invites them to two banquets they go before King Ahaswares at this banquet who represents the high authority figure the law. So it was like because Esther is representing Mordecai. Keep this in mind. It was like two goats being presented by the high priest. One would die for the sins of the people and one would be let go. Esther's name originally was Hadasah which means righteousness. Her name was changed to Esther which means hidden. Hidden righteousness. Remember the fact she was a Jewish woman in a Persian court. It was hidden the fact she was Jewish from the king. So remember, Esther is representing Mordecai, okay? Whom Haman wanted to hang on a gallow and destroy the Jewish people. So, Mordecai actually means servant of of Marduc who was a Babylonian god which is interesting just to note having to do with wisdom and victory. Haman's name means to rage or to be turbulent. Now he was the favorite of Ahaswaris until he was rejected and was set to die. So you have righteousness and rage before King Ahaswarus. Right? This is what their names mean. You have Mordecai servant of the most high God. You have Haman's servant of the most high king. Right? And he was from the line of Amalek who Saul did not destroy when he was told to destroy. Esther Mordecai and the Jewish people. You have those two going before the high authority figure. You have Haman and you have Esther who represents Mordecai and the Jewish people. Ultimately, the Jewish people were released and Haman died. Mordecai was released, right? The law falls on Mordecai to be released and Haman dies. Okay. Now, before we get to what is currently happening, we have to go to Testament because I'm just showing you a shadow of this in the Old Testament but there is something in the New Testament that completely solidifies this.
In the Gospels we have to go to where Pilate presents Jesus Yeshua and Barabbas before the people during Passover. Cuz remember Passover. Was occurring when Jesus was arrested. Now, John eighteen verses nineteen through twenty-four says, the high priest then asked Jesus about his disciples and his doctrine. Jesus answered him, I spoke openly to the world, I always taught in synagogues and in the temple where the Jews always meet and in secret I have said nothing. Why do you ask me? Ask those who have heard me what I said to them. Indeed they know what I said. And when he had these things, one of the officers who stood by struck Jesus with the palm of his hand saying, do you answer the high priest like that? Jesus answered him, if I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil, but if well, why do you strike me? Then Ananias, I think it's it's Ananias. No, it's Caiaphas. Then Caiaphas sent him bound to the high priest. Okay. So, Caiaphas actually is the high priest. Jesus is sent bound to him, okay? Now, remember the high priest back in Leviticus is the one who cast lots over the two kid goats. Just keep that in mind. The sons of goats, the two kids and determines their fate. Matthew twenty-seven verses eleven through twenty-six. Now Jesus stood before the governor. And the governor asked him saying are you the king of the Jews? Jesus said to him it is as you say. And while he was being accused by the chief priests and elders he answered nothing. Then Pilate said to him do you not hear how many things they testify against you? But he answered him not one word so that the governor marveled greatly. Verse fifteen now the feast the governor was a custom to releasing to the multitude one prisoner whom they wished and at that time they had a notorious prisoner called Barabbas therefore when they had gathered together Pilate said to them who do you want me to release to you? Barabbas or Jesus who was called Christ for he knew that they had handed him over because of envy. So the reason were going after Jesus was sheerly out of envy. Verse nineteen, while he was sitting on the judgment seat, so Pilate sits on the judgment seat now, his wife said to him saying, I have nothing to do with that just man for I have suffered many things today in a dream because of him but the chief priest and elders persuaded the multitudes that they should ask for Barabbas and destroy Jesus. The governor answered and said to them, which of the two do you want me to Release to you. They said, Barabbas. Pilate said to them, what then shall I do with Jesus who you call Christ? They all said to him, let him be crucified. Then the governor said, why? What evil has he done? But they cried out all the more saying, let him be crucified. Verse twenty-four, when Pilate saw that he could not prevail at all but rather that a tumult was rising, he took water and washed his hands before the multitude saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person. You see to it. It was the high priest that convinced the crowd. Okay so keep in mind this is the high priest that's convincing the crowd and it's Pilate on the judgement seat. The high priest is the one that ultimately determines the law. So Pilate sits in the seat of judgement and presents two sons. That are identical in a way. Jesus and Barabbas. So Jesus the Messiah had to be one of the two lives that were presented before the people in order to be chosen as the sacrificed. And according to this mystery having to do with the two goats the high priest and the people of Israel the other life had to be let go. Verse twenty-five. And all the people answered and said his blood be on us and on our children. Then he released Barabbas to them and when he had scourged Jesus he delivered him to be crucified. So what happens? The crowd yells give us Barabbas and they get all the more louder the more the high priest is stirring them up. You have Jesus and Barabbas presented before the people. You have Pilate in the seat of judgement because a trial has begun. And you have the high priest stirring them where the you have two sons of the father One lot falls on Jesus to die for the sins of the people. One lot falls on Barabbas to be set free. Passover begins the 10 days of repentance. Not Passover, I'm sorry. Rosh Hashanah begins the 10 days of repentance which leads to Yom Kippur. So, it's interesting because Jesus and Barabbas, this mystery of the two goats was presented on Passover. So, it was Passover when all of this was unfolding in the Gospels. However, in the Old Testament, in Leviticus, it was Yom Kippur. Now, how is it connected? Well, because Yom Kippur is the day of atonement of atoning for sins and Jesus had to atone for the sins of the people by the lot falling on him to die on the cross. So, when the lots are are pulled and cast one lot falls to the right on one and the other lot falls to the left on the other life. So you have two lives put on trial before the people. So keep this in mind. We have you have two lives put on trial before the people. They have to be identical in some way. In the case of Jesus and Barabbas. Jesus is the son of the father. Barabbas's name means son of the father. So there is the identical link there. You have to have someone sitting in the judgement seat. So the trial begins. You have two lives put on trial. You have one taking the seat of judgement. And you have these two lives presented before the people. Now, knowing this let's look at today. So, knowing all of this now and knowing how this mister unfolds. You can even see this with Cain and Abel. One died, the lord took the seat of judgement, one died but then the other was released, right? So, you can kind of see that almost even with Cain and Abel. You can definitely see it with Mordecai and Haman and you can most definitely see it with Jesus and Barabbas. Now, keeping this in mind, we have to go to now what's happening. What we see unfolding in this nation. What has continued to unfold this year in an election year. So You have Donald Trump. You have Joe Biden. Okay those are the two we're going to focus on here. The meaning of their names. Donald means world ruler and Trump actually means drum. Okay? So a world ruler drum. Basically is what the name means. If you go to Joe Biden Joseph means he will add and Biden means from the Shadow Valley. Now, when you look at their names on the surface, you don't really see any identical or or any similarities, where it comes in because remember, it had to be two kid goats, the sons of the father. Had to be the sons of the father. So, let's look at Donald Trump's father. His name is Frederick Christ Trump. That was his his full legal name. Frederick Christ Trump. Frederick means peaceful ruler. Christ is the prince of peace and means anointed one. Trump means drum. So basically his full name means a peaceful ruler that is anointed. And basically when you beat a drum you make a loud sound. Drums make a lot of noise. If you look at Joe Biden's father, Joe Biden Senior, It means the same thing he will add from the shadow valley and the middle name happens to be Robinette which will get into in a moment. But this is mentioned in Psalm twenty-three. So Psalm twenty-three verses four through five. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. I fear no evil for you are with me. Your rod and your staff they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You have anointed my head with oil. My cup overflows. Okay. Now, I'm just giving you a little backgrounds of their fathers because there's a similarity here that we're going to talk about in a minute but if we look at where the identicalness is because there has to be an identicalness to understand the mystery of the two goats. Joe Biden's father, Joe Biden Senior, became involved in real estate. He was in the real estate business. Donald Trump's father was a real estate developer. So, both their fathers were in the real estate business, okay? So, this is where the identicalness begins to come into play. So, they're both in the real estate business. Now, between Donald Trump and Joe Biden they have both each served one term as president. So they have both each served one term as president and their fathers were both in the real estate business. So here is where you begin to see that identicalness or the similarities that you may have not seen initially unfold. Now like I said this mystery of the two goats has repeated through history. This is where the term scapegoat comes from. The word scapegoat comes from the fact that on Yom Kippur, the ancient Hebrews would sacrifice one goat for the lord and lead another into the wilderness bearing the sins of the people. The scapegoat is the one that bears the sins of the people. The ceremony is described in Leviticus and basically the Hebrew phrase associated with this particular goat is as Ozell meaning goat that departs. So basically that's what it means for the goat that the lot falls on to be sent into the wilderness. It means goat that departs. This is where the modern term of scapegoat comes from. Or the goat that escapes. So, the extended sense of scapegoat that we see today in came basically from the this biblical use came from the Yom Kippur ceremony that we have spoken about in Leviticus. So, scapegoat literally means goat that departs or goat that escapes. So, one bears the sins of the people and is let go and the other one false. So, if we look at this in the context of what is happening now, there is not only an election going on, there is a trial. Remember, when Mordecai and Haman are presented before the king, through Esther, that that's a trial, a trial begins. When Jesus and Barabbas are presented before the people, when Pilate takes the judgement seat, a trial begins. When Rosh Hashanah happens, the Jews believe a ten-day trial begins to Yom Kippur. This is not only an election year but this there's a trial going on as well. In fact, trial after trial at this point is going on. We have Donald Trump who's on trial and in many ways being punished because of the people who voted for him. Okay so you're you're dealing with punishing people in a nation for voting for a certain candidate
And Bo Donald Trump and Joe Biden have had sons that were involved in trials this year. They both have sons that are involved in trials this year. So you have all of these identical features, right? That we're beginning to see emerge. All of these similar features.
Now, their middle names, Joseph's Biden's middle name is Robinette, which means Faye bright or shining Donald John Trump John means God is gracious or God remembers God is the giver of light so there is in that name Robinette means bright or shining and God is the giver of light so there is a similarity as well a connecting thread even in their middle names If you want to get into further, they're both also over six feet tall. So, you have some very similar and identical features and characteristics between these two men that on the surface you would not think would be there but when you take a closer look and examine, you actually see they have quite a bit of similar features or characteristics or similar things happening in their families.
Now, these two goats were sin offerings for the sins of the nation. So, back to Yom Kippur and the two goats for a minute. So, these two goats had to do with the sins that happened in that nation with the sins that happened in Israel. Now, I'm going to give you a couple of facts about goats because this is going to help make more sense also. Goats are naturally curious They have a natural curiosity to them and they are very independent and they can tend to get into more trouble than sheep. Hence the term scapegoat. So, goats have a propensity to get in more trouble than sheep. And they are naturally curious and very independent. So, those are just a couple facts there.
Now, with the mystery of the two goats seeming to unfold in the year 20twenty-four because this is what it looks like it's lining up to do, it means one will fall and one will be released. If this mystery is going to line up, the way it has biblically with biblical precedence and through generations one will fall and one will be released. Now, In this case with this nation because remember when when when Jesus and Barabbas were put on trial they were in Rome. Now I want you I want to paint the picture here for you. They were in Rome. Rome was one of the most wicked sinful barbaric empires that ever occurred in the earth. So Jesus and Barabbas, two sons of the father, right? Because Jesus is the son of the father and Barabbas's name means son of the father are put on trial with Pilate who is corrupt sitting in the seat of judgement and as corrupt as Pilate was, he was trying to get Jesus free but you have Pilate who is corrupt in the seat of judgement so you could a corrupt judge. In Rome which is a wicked highly corrupted pagan empire and with them facing the people who were being incited and stirred up by the religious high authorities against one and not the other.
Now, before we go on, I'm going to tell you something else. Another way Jesus and Barabbas were identical. Thank you Lord. That gets looked over. Barabbas was in custody. For insurrection. The charge against Barabbas was insurrection. He had killed the Roman soldier. He had incited a true insurrection. So the charge against Barabbas was that. The charge they were trying to pin Jesus With to crucify him was insurrection. It was the same charge. You have two sons of the father facing the same charge with a corrupt judge in the judgement seat being presented before the people. Is this starting to make sense? This is the picture you have. They tried to make a faulty charge stick to Jesus who had not committed an insurrection but this is what the religious high priest came up with because they knew it was such a serious charge against the Roman authorities that the Roman authorities that would then maybe listen because they're trying to make a bogus charge stick to Jesus of an insurrection that never happened and then you have Barabbas the other son of the father that actually killed the Roman soldier and committed insurrection by their own law. So this is another way that the mystery of the two goats unveils with Jesus and Barabbas.
Now you bring that to today You have accusations. You have a trial. You have corrupt authorities in the seat of judgement. And you have charges of insurrection trying to be made to stick when all the criteria for an insurrection hadn't been met. So we're try we are seeing the same thing in ways having to do with the mystery of the two goats unfold right now in this year before our very eyes. Now in this case now with this nation, this nation is facing many many sins. Egregious ones that have been committed. And it has come to a point of a time of accountability. Which is we see this mystery of the two goats unfolding this year. Because it has come to the time of accountability. It has come to the time that the lots have to be drawn.
And we're in a nation that has done egregious things against God. We are in a nation that has pushed and peddled pagan practices. We are in a nation where we see a lot of Babylonian things going on. We are in a nation where we see very wicked agendas that are that are totally opposed the things of God trying to take control. We have a nation where the word insurrection has been used and thrown around for the past almost four years where charges of insurrection were trying to be made to stick to those that maybe did not meet the criteria for such. And where we have corrupt authorities in the seat of judgement. And you have two men presented before the people that on the surface don't look identical but when you start to dig, you see there are quite a bit of similarities between them.
Now, there was something I had said within the past couple of weeks that 20twenty-four was the year of Joshua twenty-four is the year of Joshua twenty-four. Choose this day whom you will serve. Choose this day whom you will serve. Choose. What is your lot that you are casting? The nation is facing a choice. Serve the lord, submit to his will, his way, and leaders he chooses for his purposes or chase the false gods in the pagan ways of the Canaanites, the Hittites, and the Amalekites because that was the choice Joshua in his older age presented before the people in Joshua twenty-four. Joshua 20 twenty-four is the year of Joshua twenty-four and he presents them. These two opposing paths. And says choose this day whom you will serve. But as for me and my house we will serve the Lord. So what choice we make as a nation will depend then on the lot that will be cast upon us. The Now, to add to this, 20 twenty-four on the Jewish calendar is the year fifty-seven eighty-four. The year fifty-7 eighty-four translates to the prison doors opening to Joseph. That's what it translates to. Now, there is a tie here because this year and its meaning ties to the mystery of the two goats in this election as well. So, this year of 5784 and the meaning of the prison doors being open to Joseph has a link that connects it to the mystery of the two goats in this election year. In Genesis forty, now this is interesting that the chapter number was forty, it rained 40 days and nights on the earth because of the judgment that was set forth by God for the wickedness of man on a very corrupted earth because the earth was filled with Hamas which means violence in Hebrew. So, this is in Genesis forty, right? So, just keep that in mind. Also, I had of the rise of the spirit of Pharaoh within the past couple weeks as well and this chapter ties all of that together. So, Genesis forty is the chapter that has to do with Joseph but it's interesting that early on in Genesis, it reigned 40 days and 40 nights. There's the number forty again because the Earth was filled with Hamas with violence but let's go back to Genesis forty because it ties the spirit of Pharaoh, it ties violence, it ties the the two goats, the sins of the nation, it ties it all together. So, Genesis forty, I'm going to read it to you. The whole chapter. I think it's only about 2020 or so verses. Now sometime later the cup bearer and the baker for the king of Egypt offended their Lord Egypt's king. Pharaoh was extremely angry with his two officials. The chief of the cup bearers and the chief of the bakers. So you have the chiefs like commander-in-chief. You have the chief of the cup bearers. You have the chief of the bakers. He put them in confinement in the house of the captain of the guard in the same prison where Joseph was confined. The captain of the God put Joseph in charge of them and he served them and they continued to be in custody for some time. Then the cup bearer and the baker of the King of Egypt who were confined in the prison both dreamed a dream in the same night. Each man with his own significant dream and each dream with its personal interpretation. Verse six, when Joseph came to them in the morning and looked at them, he saw that they were sad and depressed. So asked Pharaoh's officials who were in confinement with him in his master's house, why do you look so downhearted today? And they said to him, we have each dreamed distinct dreams and there is noone to interpret them. So Joseph said to them, do do not interpretations belong to God? Please tell me your dream. Verse nine, so the chief cup bearer told his dream to Joseph and said to him, in my dream, there was a grapevine in front of me and on the vine were three branches. Three branch three branches of government, right? In in our nation but three branches. Then as soon as it budded its blossoms burst open and its clusters produced ripe grapes. Now Pharaoh's cup was in my hand and I took the grapes and squeezed them into Pharaoh's cup then I placed the cup into Pharaoh's hand. Then Joseph said to him this is the interpretation of it. The three branches represent three days. Within three more days pharaoh will lift up your head which present you in public and restore you to your position. And you will again put pharaoh's cup into his hand just as you did when you were his cup bearer. Only think of me when it goes well with you and please show me kindness by mentioning me to Pharaoh and get me out of this house. For in fact I was taken from the land of the Hebrews by a lawful force and even here I have done nothing for which they should put me in the Now, remember, Joseph was in the prison because he was falsely accused by Potiphar's wife of assaulting her. He was in the room with her. He never touched her. She made the advance on him. He refused the advance because she operated in these types of seducing spirits because he refused her advances she lied and accused him of assault instead and Joseph ended up in the prison. Now, verse sixteen, when the chief baker saw that the interpretation of the dream was good, he said to Joseph, I also dreamed and in my dream, there were three cake baskets on my head and in the top baskets, there were some of all sorts of baked food for Pharaoh but the birds of prey were eating these foods out of the basket on my head. Joseph answered, this is the interpretation of it. The three baskets represent three days. Within three more days, Pharaoh will lift up your and will hang you on a gallows. We'll hang you on a tree. We'll hang you on a gallows. Haman was brought in public. He was presented before King Ahaswerus with Esther were represented Mordecai and the Jewish people, remember? He was hung on the gallows. The lot fell on Mordecai and the Jewish people to be released. Okay. And then Joseph told them the birds would eat his flesh on top of it this was the interpretation verse twenty now on the third day which was the pharaoh's birthday he released the two men from prison and made a feast for all his servants and he lifted up the head of the cheap cup bearer and the head of the chief baker meaning presented them in public among his servant among his servants servants he restored the chief cup bearer to his office and the cup and the cup bearer once again put the cup into pharaoh's hand but Pharaoh Pharaoh hang the chief baker just if Joseph had interpreted to them. Yet the chief cup bearer did not remember remember Joseph but forgot all about him for about two years and then Pharaoh has a dream and and we all know what happens from there. So In Genesis forty, we see the same thing. They both worked for Pharaoh, the cup bearer and the baker. Both worked for Pharaoh, both had a dream interpreted by Joseph, both were in prison for upsetting pharaoh. Identical. So, this ties as well to the mystery of the two goats and Joseph and the prison doors being opened to him ties to the year wherein 5784 and before the prison doors were open to Joseph he had to interpret these two dreams with these two men and two separate lots fell one on the cup bearer and one on the baker so from prison they're both brought before Pharaoh one official fell because remember chief baker, chief cup bearer, think commander-in-chief. One fell, one was let go and released. So, bringing it back to this year now because 5784 ties to the prison doors being open to Joseph ties to Genesis forty which ties to the mystery of the two goats when we see it once again happened to the cup bearer and the baker with Joseph being involved and Pharaoh sitting at the seat of judgement. Pharaoh was corrupted. Pilate was corrupted. Who we see now in the seat of judgement is corrupted. So lots are set to be cast. This mystery of the two goats is unfolding this year and lots are set to be cast. And I will tell you the month of June is not only a serious month to watch right now. And I've been warning. I have been sounding the alarm for months and months and months about June. June is known as Pride Month. Pride cometh before destruction and a haughty spirit before big fall. Do you know the past two Junes Joe Biden has fallen? In a month filled with pride he fell. Twice. One off his bike at Rayobeth Beach and last year he fell on stage. Both in June both in Pride Month. So June is not only very serious month to watch right now because that's where that 50 day window ends also between Passover and Shivot where the Jews received the law at Mount Sinai. That is a 50-day period that ends about June 11th. So June a very serious month to watch right now but the time between Passover not Passover the time between Rosh Hashanah and Yam Kippur I'm talking about so many Jewish holidays here the time between Rosh Hashanah and Yam Kippur 20 twenty-four known as the 10 days of awe when the trial begins when Rosh Hashanah happens a trial begins that ten-day window is probably one of the most crucial windows we will have all year. Having to do with national leadership and those contending and not only in the United States but other nations as well as Israel. That is going to be one of the most serious windows because it's a 10-day window but boy is it going to pack a punch because of this mystery of the two goats and because of the election year and because this is the year 5784 of the prison doors opening to Joseph for all of these reasons that 10-day trial, that time period is going to be another one to watch that is going to pack a punch and we have seen this mystery of the two goats unfold throughout history and we've watched it happen and we've watched it happen in biblical precedent multiple times now. We've talked about it. We've talked about it in the book of Esther. We talked about it when it came to Joseph and the baker and the cup bearer and we talked about it with Jesus and Barabbas which is the most serious one where two men are presented in a very very sinful nation before the people, both sons of the father, both accused of insurrection. One did it, one didn't do it. With a corrupt official sitting in the seat of judgement and corrupted religious leaders stirring the people to ask for Barabbas who really did commit murder and an insurrection where Jesus didn't but they were accusing him of an insurrection he didn't commit.
This is no accident. All of this is unfolding the way it is and we really need to pray because we need who the lord wants to lead this nation to lead. The Lord allowed Joe Biden to win in twenty twenty. He allowed it. He allowed it. And now we have come to the time of accountability where the nation has Joshua twenty-four. That decision to make. Choose this day whom you will serve. We have that choice. Because those prison doors will open if we choose almighty God and the mystery of the two goats will continue to happen and come to pass and will continue to unfold in this nation. Both have been presented in public. Both of their heads have been lifted up in public. One will fall and one will be released. And it has to do with the sins of the people of this nation and what is happening and why we need rectification and repentance turning back to almighty God in his ways.
In order for that prison door to open and for us to be set free. And for certain individuals being accused to be released. You have two lots. And you have two similar goats presented. And the lots are drawn. The lots are about to be drawn. The lots are about to be drawn. You know when the Lord talks about in his words separating the sheep from the goats. The lots are about to be drawn. Those goats represent a very sinful Israel. They represent a United States. That even though a covenant was made as committed as some egregious things against that covenant and this is all converging. All of it. Fifty-seven eighty-four, Joseph, Genesis forty, The Mystery of the Two Goats The insurrection. This is all converging on the same year this year. Joshua twenty-four. It's all converging and meeting up the middle. America has to choose God. God then will choose the leader. America has to choose almighty God first and foremost and he in turn will choose the proper leader. But if leaders want to be released as Joseph was, if they want the lock to fall on them that they're released, they have to humble themselves right now before almighty God in all sincerity, putting everything they have at the altar of God and fully giving their life and what they have over to him. That's what this is about. Right there. Because one's going to fall and one's going to be released. And this mystery will unfold and continue to before our very eyes this year.
So, be in prayer about this because I have a feeling there's going to be a part two on this mystery perhaps as we see these things unfold. So, be in prayer, test the spirit. We are going to put these notes up on the blog But this mystery is unfolding before our very eyes. And the lots are being cast. And we need to as the church, as the body of Christ, Be crying out to God because of these lots. You know, it's interesting because Purim this year 20twenty-four began a 39-day window between Purim and Passover where the full eclipse was smacked in the middle of it and it is
Purim where Haman illegally in the realm of the spirit cast lots to try to make a lot of destruction fall on the Jewish nation. And where he from the align of the Amalekites would be released and that's why there was a divine reversal because the lot to be released then fell on the Jews and the lot to fall and be destroyed fell on Haman. That's why there had to be a divine reversal because the enemy was attempting a reverse Yom Kippur in the Book of Esther.
A reverse Yom Kippur, the enemy was attempting where Haman would be released and the line of the Amalekites would be released from the lord blotting them out and the Jew the lot would fall on them to be destroyed. So the Lord reversed it and put it back in the proper order of the mystery of the two goats with Yom Kippur. That is what happened.
So, keep that in mind as we go forth. Keep that in mind. Because when you hold up this word, you need to understand what's in this word and how powerful this word is and the mysteries that are contained in this book that unfold through the generations because the word of God is living and active. It is current. For every generation and this mystery is now unfolding this year. Oh, praise the lord. I felt that. Praise the lord. Praise the lord.
I think this is where I'm going to end right now but we probably maybe will see end up doing a part two from this as we see these things unfold because this is a lot to unpack. It's a whole lot to unpack. So, pray about it. Be watchmen and watch women and we will see as this mystery unfolds to revisit it.
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