Jonathan Livingston Seagull, my herring gull

9 months ago

The same seagull as I put on video 5 years ago. We call him (yes, he is male) Jonathan, after the book Jonathan Livingstone Seagull. Jonathan visits us now for at least 15 years. They have their nest on our roof above our bedroom, which can be a pain in the neck. They talk to other gulls also nesting on roofs all night long. After foxes invaded the nearby dunes, the gulls abandoned their colony and started to breed on the roofs, our roofs.

You will see that Jonathan is perfectly at ease. Mind you, there is no food, he just likes sitting and relaxing with me. Sometimes for half an hour or longer.

Jonathan is a herring gull (Larus argentatus) and can get as old as 35 years. I have no idea how old Jonathan or his mate are, but at least 15 years. His span is about 1.4 metre (4 foot 7). His mate is slightly. His beak is a forceful weapon, very uncomfortable when he pecks at me, which he does when he doesn't get the attention he thinks is appropriate.
Every year they get 2, sometime 3 chicks. However, after some time there is evidently a preferred chick. The parents and preferred chick chase off the other chick(s). I like to think that they survive, but as they can't feed themselves...... First time I saw it happen, I was shocked, but it goes like this every year.
I know you wonder how I know that it is the same gull every year. Well, he's got a fused toe that I recognize him by. His mate never has any hesitation to approach me, so I assume she's the same female every year.

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