Reject: A Super Superhero Story (part 17)

24 days ago

*Her name is Memory Hernandez, daughter to hotel and media giant Lewis Hernandez who is the second richest man in all of Texas. Only Zachariah Abrams family eclipses the Hernandez fortune but where Nesh/Ack Industrial is concerned only with cutting edge technology, and especially how that technology can be used to make weaponry, Lewis Hernandez has bought up land, newspapers, and any TV station he desired. Pretty much all of Texas, Nevada, New Mexico, and a lot of Arizona...with early inroads into California...have Big H Suites (the luxury hotel chain of the Hernandez empire) and countless TV stations all under H Corp United (the media arm of the Hernandez empire). Though SuperDuper Man will heal all on his own he has been Memory's main lover for years and she doesn't mind if he bleeds, and heals, all over any of her father's presidential suites. Besides, already she has pleaded with her father to make sure all his stations, and especially his twenty-four hour news division HSN, run endless stories on how the green man who obviously caused a fire in downtown Houston, and probably killed Sister Salvations own sister, needs to be rejected and his defeat of SuperDuper Man should be considered the fluke that it is. Her job of helping her man is SuperDuper better heal on up before she gets bored [AI Art]*

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