Un-Parenting: How to Drop the Parent Guilt and Shame | Life On God’s Terms - Episode 7

8 months ago

Parenting looks so different now then when we were kids. Is this a good thing? How much do we need to change or keep from our own experiences of childhood? Is the word 'trauma' overused today?

Disclaimer: If you are after expert parenting advice, this is not the episode for you!

Rachel and her sister co-hosts unpack and get real about their experiences of growing up and the different challenges our culture faces: from discipline, expectations, online parenting comparison and even kids birthday parties! If you are a parent, or know one that could use encouragement and unfiltered conversations around parenting in today's world, this episode is for you.

Produced in partnership with @rhemanewcastle

☕️✝ Check out the radio segment catch up sessions: "Coffee and Faith" on the Christian radio station Rhema FM https://rhemacatchup.com/?s=coffee+and+faith

📖 If you wish to order the Grit, Grace and Hustle book please click on link: http://bitly.ws/fyaT

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