9 months ago

Are we free: A question we all need to ask ourselves as individuals and as Americans. All the citizens of the world need to ask themselves how free are we. When individuals feel they have the right or the need and vandalize a bumper sticker of a president that is running for office. What kind of world do we live in when people do that ? Should we use the term let's agree to disagree or should we argue and debate until there is a consensus or a winner or a loser or until we see the humanity in each other. Conversations help us evolve into better Human beings. The elites that push war Should fight in the war and not use our sons and daughters and does that mean are we free If we have to keep fighting for it. If we pay $0.60 on every dollar to the government before we can buy something are we really free? These are all questions that will be explore in this episode of World Patriot Radio when we ask the question Are We FREE.

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